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Another day in the summer of 1985. Another day working at Scoops Ahoy with my best friend Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley. And another day of me and Steve sneaking Mike and his friends into the movie theatre.

I roll my eyes as I open the back door, letting the kids into the employee halls. "Come on, come on."

"I swear, if anyone hears about this..." Steve warned the kids before they cut him off.

"We're dead."

A bit later the lights go out. "That's weird.." Steve walks to the light switch to switch it off and on over and over again.

"That isn't gonna work, dingus." Robin turned to him sighing.

"Oh, really?" He then kept on with his technique but sped up.

"God, I hope that isn't how he tries to keep it up in bed." I whisper to Robin and she chuckles in response.

The lights finally come back on after a few seconds and Steve looks at us as if he had just proven a point in an argument. "Let there be light."

Robin smiled at him sarcastically while I scoffed and continued scooping ice cream, handing it to the customers at the cash register.


The next day was just as normal as any other. Children crying over their fallen ice cream cones with extra sprinkles, teens on the most awkward of dates, and Steve trying to flirt with the customers and failing while I sit back and watch.

"And another one bites the dust." Robin pulled out her white board and marker with a T-chart. "YOU RULE" on one side with zero tally marks and "YOU SUCK" on the other side with now six tallys.

"Yeah, yeah, I can count," Steve said annoyed while turning around to face Robin.

"You know that means you suck."

"Yup, I can read too."

"Since when?"

"Not as easy as high school, is it Stevie?" I asked leaning against the wall.

"It's this stupid hat. I am telling you, it is totally blowing my best feature." The boy complained while walking toward us.

"Yeah, company policy is a real drag." Robin responded. "You know, it's a crazy idea, but have you considered... telling the truth?"

"Oh, you mean that I couldn't even get into Tech and my douche bag dads trying to teach me a lesson? I make 3 bucks an hour, and I have no future? That truth?" Robin smiled in amusement at Steve's rant.

"You know that's not what she-" I started before spotting some girls walking into the parlor. "Look out, 12 o'clock!" I whisper yelled to Steve nudging him.

He glanced at the girls and panicked before making a decision. "I'm going in. And you know what?" He grabbed his cap and threw it into the back room. "Screw company policy."

"Oh my god, you're a whole new man." Robin gave a false surprised look and shook her head.

"Right, who even is that rule breaker? What a bad boy." I laughed out as Steve shouted at the girls.

"Ahoy ladies! Didn't see ya there!" The startled girls with wide eyes stared at Steve while he spoke loudly at them. "Would you guys like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me, I'll be your captain. I'm Steve Harrington."

Steve kept going as I noticed Robin make a disgusted look and slide over to the side. I open the door to the back and watch her draw yet another tally on the white board.

"It's like he died and was possessed by a middle schooler after he graduated. I almost feel bad for him." I closed the door and sat down on the table set in the middle of the room.

"Poor poor man..." Robin giggled after closing the window separating the rooms. She sat on the chair in front of me and leaned back. "Sometimes it surprises me that that's the same Steve Harrington from highschool. I guess without Carol and Tommy H he's forgotten how to talk to girls."

"Uh, actually" I played with my vest while trying not to sound rude to Robin, "Tommy H was an asshole who only got with girls because of how good he was in bed. Allegedly." I shrugged, not sure that fact was true.

"Mm, so is Steve too?" Robin raised her eyebrow at me.

"I don't know, never had sex with him." I scoffed, disgusted by the idea.

Robin chuckled and relaxed in her seat.


(A/N:) So, obviously, the first half of the S3 chapters won't be that long because it's a side plot but at least that won't be the case for S4 and possibly S5! Until next week, bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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