I put on the fakest smile I can and pretend like seeing the two of them standing next to each other isn't messing with my head. "Hey guys! Come on in, I don't want you waiting out in the cold."

They walk in without a word, and even though I expected this, an unsettling feeling starts forming in my chest. I watch as Adam goes straight into the kitchen, probably to start drinking. It's painfully obvious he doesn't want to be around Alex and I, but it still doesn't make it hurt any less.

Speaking of Alex, as soon as Adam walks around the corner and into the kitchen, he pulls me in by my waist and leans his head down so that he can whisper in my ear. "Just so you know, I was here first."

I playfully push him off me as he tries to kiss my cheek. "It's not a competition. I opened the door to you both, so it doesn't matter who got here before who."

"Oh, but it does." he counters as he slings an arm around my shoulder and presses a kiss to my temple. "I was already on the porch by the time he left his house and started walking across the street."

"You're ridiculous." I respond with a smile, grabbing his hand that's hanging over my shoulder and lead him to the kitchen. When Adam notices us, he grips the beer bottle in his hand a little tighter, but it's so subtle that you wouldn't notice it unless you know him well.

Like I do.

Anyway, it's a good thing I left the door unlocked, because all of Alex's friends start flooding in at once. They come in hooting and hollering, with backpacks that I'm sure are full of more alcohol than you can think of. They're hockey players, what do you expect?

James McGill is among the people who are here, even though he doesn't go to school with us or with Alex. I greet him with a quick hug, and go back to the foyer to wait for my friends. They're taking longer than expected, which is making me nervous.

I look back towards the kitchen, and see McGill reach into his bag and start rummaging around. Alex is standing right next to him, so I assume that he's going to be given something. Before I can see what it is though, I hear the door open and Sadie, Morgan, and Faith come inside.

"Sorry we're late!" Sadie says, almost stumbling over herself as she rushes in. "Morgan was taking forever to come out of her house."

Morgan glares at Sadie as she takes off her coat. "It's not my fault my curls fell and I had to redo them. What else did you want me to do?"

They continue to bicker as they walk into the kitchen, and it takes everything in me not to laugh. I look at Faith, who just smiles and shakes her head as she hangs her coat over Sadie's. She tucks her keys into her pocket and follows me into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water once she gets to the island.

The conversation is slightly awkward between my friends and Alex's, especially more so when the rest of the Ducks get here. At least Connie and Faith are serving as the mediators, considering they're the only sober people here. Charlie can't make it more known that he's still salty with how Alex and James treated him when we were younger, even though it's been years. I understand why he's upset of course, but I think it's time to let it go.

Alex and James aren't feeding into it as much, even though I can tell James is getting close to snapping. After every comment Charlie makes, I can see how James' hand tightens around his beer bottle, and how his knuckles almost go white from how hard he's gripping it. I walk over to Alex and tap him on the shoulder, feeling satisfied when he leans down so he can hear me. "Don't let Charlie get to you, and tell James that too. He's drunk."

"I know." he whispers in response, giving my forehead a light kiss before walking over and pulling James to the side. When I see him start talking, I turn away satisfied. At least this one listens to me when I have his best interest in mind.

meant to be • adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now