The Finale

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Hope Andrea Mikaelson opened the doors to welcome the new class of supernatural beings.

The first year was good but also hard for Hope but she finally let go of Landon. She visited him a lot less until eventually she had no need to visit him anymore. She had moved on. Deep down in side there will always be a part of her that loves Landon but she had to move on with her life. A year later her and Ethan grew closer as friends until eventually she had fallen in love with him. She didn't want to, for she felt guilty for betraying Landon but Lizzie reminded her that she needed to move on and that she should not feel guilty for falling in love and moving on with her life. As this is what Landon would have wanted.

It was scary at first but it became easier, Hope and Ethan gave it a shot and are still madly in love.

Lizzie and MG are also still madly in love as well.

The friendships have never been better, the best friends Josie, hope and lizzie are always there for each other. As are kaleb and MG.

Josie is single as she needed a break but a year later she saw Penelope and they re kindled things. They aren't dating yet, just in the talking stages.

Josie can no longer feel Lizzie anymore, thoughts and emotions as Lizzie is now a heretic. The merge was avoided. She understands why her sister had to do what she had to do but part of her is sad. Sad for herself because she will grow up, grow old and die. Die without her twin and she can't imagine life without her but she tries to look at the bright side of things.

The Mikaelson family visit Hope very often which makes Hope happy.

Hope also got closer with Caroline who is a great head mistress of the school. Caroline always tells stories of Hopes dad and all the adventures he had during their time together.

"I used to think I was bad, i killed so many people" Hope admitted to Caroline.

"To save thousands of people. People fear you for being different but who would want to be normal" Caroline said.

"My aunt Rebekah she wants a human life. But only after 100 so years from now" Hope said.

"That's because she wants what was taken from her" Caroline looked at her.

"But also there isn't a vampire in history who hasn't killed anyone" Caroline told her.

"That is true" Hope said.

"Your father he wasn't the villain of my story. Part of me always knew that there was some good in him" Caroline smiled at Hope.

Hope smiled at her.

"And I believe the same for you" Caroline put a hand on Hopes shoulder.

"I believe that now. My story isn't over yet. It's just the beginning" Hope winked.


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