Chapter 24-It was a buffet and of course, Parker felt right at home.

Start from the beginning

"Wait. Wait. You mean... you mean to tell me that your parents were killed at the hands of Axel's dad? That the whole story you said about the Russian mob or whatever, and the guy who had a thick Russian accent... that was Axel's dad?" His voice shook as he said that.

"Yes, Cooper." I replied. I don't blame him, I still can't believe it either.

I can't imagine what poor Axel is even going through.

"And did you tell him?" He asked, finally closing his mouth.

"I did. And it's been a whole week and I haven't seen him or heard from him and I really... I really don't know what to do." I sighed.

This was getting exhausting.

"Well no doy! If he told you that your dad was a ruthless, mass murderer what would your response be? You have to give him time to think things over. Someone who liked you for over a year isn't going to hate you because of something you didn't do." He said.

For once in his life, Cooper was actually right; surprisingly. I mean, I know he's right but why does my heart still hurt. Axel's expression when I told him was beyond shocked. He was hurt, angry, surprised. He didn't even wait for me to show him the videos either, he just up and left.

But do we blame him? Of course not.

Wait. Why am I feeling bad? I wasn't the one who murdered my parents. I wasn't the one who annihilated an entire family.

But neither did he.

Ugh. Why do we have an inner voice? That thing is seriously annoying.

It took me months to wrap my head around everything that's happened, so I know that he needs to take time. I just don't understand why his phone has to be turned off.

"Do you guys want to watch a movie?" Asked Cooper, bringing me out of my daze.

I know he's just trying to take my mind off of this disaster I found myself in, but I really didn't feel like doing anything.

"I don't know man, I don't feel like doing anything." I replied.

And I really don't, I want to stay in a dark room and think about how I just ruined my life, and lost a relationship with the only person who truly mattered to me.

"Don't listen to her. She wants to do nothing but sit in a dark room and think about how her life is in shambles. She's coming with us." She replied, speaking like I wasn't sitting right next to her.

"Okay then, we won't watch a horror movie. How about a comedy?" He asked.

"You guys can go. I really don't feel like..."

"Sophia. Shut it. You're going through something traumatic. Something absolutely earth shattering, and I know it feels like it's the right thing to do - to be shut down. But speaking from someone who's been through this ordeal, being with friends is the best thing thing to do. I may have never said this to you guys, but you dragged me out of a very dark space. It was so dark and deep, that I never thought I'd come out of it. After my dad's death, and those people coming after me and my brother, my life didn't look promising. But you guys made it so much better. One conversation with the both of you had the ability to drag me into the sunshine, and I'll never forget that. So please.." she put her arm on mine, "please let us help you."

Cooper also put him arm on ours, and wiped away a tear I didn't even know I had.

"It's okay Soph." He said so softly. "We're here for you. Always will be. Even if you don't want us to go anywhere, we'll stay here with you. We'll sit on the floor of your dark room, and just bask in the silence. You don't have to say anything, heck we don't even need to laugh; but we have your back. Don't be afraid."

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