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In 114 AC, after nine long months and many hours of labor, Rhaenyra gave birth to a baby girl. Elaena, her beautiful baby girl. Although Laenor knew she wasn't his, he still looked at her with nothing but love, it seemed as though everybody who saw her that day adored her. Her grandfather naturally adored her, being his first granddaughter, her uncles and aunties found her fascinating. Even Alicent Hightower couldn't help but smile when she saw the young babe smiling up at her.

It seemed as though the whole of the Red Keep was ever so slightly brighter with her arrival.

But then one morning, after her first night away from the baby, Rhaenrya walked into the nursery to see the wet nurse on the floor and her little girl gone.

Everyone in the keep mourned the supposed death of the girl, and despite the King sending a search party the same day she was taken, she was never found.

Years passed and still no Targaryen princess was ever found, and the royal family never quite recovered.

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