The Unlikely Family Man

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Shortly after the events of Alchatraz, Leon took a well deserved vacation.

While away, he met Emily. Emily, like himself, was on a well deserved break from her job. Leon learns that she is a surgeon.

They blossom a relationship and eventually get married. Now, two years into their marriage, Emily is pregnant.

As Emily's pregnancy progresses, so does a new threat.

Will Leon be able to make things safe in time for the birth of his child?
I grunt as I attempt to reach the crackers on the top shelf.

"And what do you think you're doing?"

I sigh, my hand dropping down at the voice of my Husband. I turn slowly, a guilty smile on my face.

"I got hungry and you were having your meeting."

I shrug and he sighs, approaching me where he leans over my head and pulls the box of crackers down for me.

"Thank you, baby."

I smile, taking a cracker out of the box to munch on it. I see Leon's eyes drift worriedly to my stomach and I sigh, dumping the box behind me before taking his right hand and pressing it to my stomach.

"The sixteen week scan was fine. Completely healthy."

I say, cupping his cheek. He nods, kissing me sweetly before pulling away.

"How was your meeting?"

I ask and he sighs, avoiding all eye contact with me as he makes his way to the fridge and pulls out a beer. I frown, approaching him.


I ask. He sits down at the table and I join him.

"I got another mission."

He mumbles, taking a gulp from his beer. My heart sinks. Another mission? So soon?

"When? Will you be here for the gender scan next month?"

I ask quietly.

"Next week. I would've said no, but Chris asked me personally. I'm hoping to be back in time for the scan."

He says and I nod slowly. I take his hand across the table and send him a reassuring smile.

"Leon, it's okay. Sure, it's not ideal, but this is your job. I knew that when I married you. Just...come back to us in one piece."

I say and he sends me a smile and reaches forward to place his hand on my bump.

"I'll always come back to you."
The day for Leon to go soon arrived and I watched him pack his small duffle, trying to keep from crying.

The door bell rang and Leon makes his way to the window and peers down.

"It's Chris."

He says and I nod, quickly fleeing the room before he could protest. I make my way down the stairs and over to the front door. I pull it open and Chris's surprised face comes into view. He eyes me before glancing down at my stomach.


I say and he nods.


We both laugh and I pull him into a hug.

We both laugh and I pull him into a hug

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Leon S Kennedy Short Stories ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن