The Human B.O.W

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Thirty years ago, The Umbrella Corporation, whilst in the mist of creating weaponised B.O.Ws, had devised an experiment.

The experiment entailed using one of the more violent criminals from Alchatraz and injecting him with over fifty percent of B.O.W blood in existence.

The experiment was a success and the man was able to control most B.O.Ws, even if they already had a Master.

However, he couldn't control all. So, through many more experiments, it is discovered that only a female offspring of said man is able to control all B.O.Ws.

With that goal in mind, The Umbrella Corporation use a woman from Raccoon City's Psychiatric Hospital to act as the surrogate for this B.O.W baby.

A little over nine months later, the baby is born, the Mother dead from childbirth and the Father forced into a coma.

She is named Aurora, her last name following her Father's, Gallagher. She is raised within the walls of The Umbrella Corporation until she reaches eleven years old.

That's when the BSAA, unfounded, but in existence, are tipped off about Aurora's existence and move in to take her into safe custody.

Once she is, more safer tests are conducted on the young girl. It is discovered that she is a Hybrid, half Human, half B.O.W.

However, the B.O.W side of her would not emerge unless she happens to die of Natural Causes and not forced ones.

This makes it easier for the BSAA to protect the young girl. Then, in 2003, the BSAA is officially founded and with it's foundation came Chris Redfield.

He meets the now seventeen year old Aurora and is shocked at the fact that this small Human woman could potentially be used as a weapon.

In 2006, Aurora meets Leon S Kennedy for the first time. Now that she is a legal adult, she is given the option to become an agent as well. She chooses to work for the DSO, where Leon works, and helping out in TerraSave, where Claire Redfield works.

At age twenty five, she is discovered by those that wish to use her. She is hidden away by the BSAA, unfortunately losing her freedom again.

During her time between meeting Leon and her protective custody, she and Leon form a close relationship despite the large age gap and get married.

This is when the couple learn that Leon is of a bloodline that carries a rare type of blood. This blood, along with Aurora's would create an offspring more powerful than ever imagined.

Leon separates with Aurora due to this information and it leaves her heartbroken.

2015 comes and Leon, Chris, Claire, Jill and Rebecca battle Alchatraz. What nobody knows is that the group discovered that Aurora's Father is still alive and where they are housing him.

Now, 2016, the others must find Aurora after she had escaped her protective custody and find a way to make things right while keeping new threats under control.
Leon, Chris, Claire, Jill and Rebecca sit around Rebecca's desk at the BSAA's Headquarters, listening to what Hunnigan is telling them.

"What's going on, Hunnigan?"

Leon asks and Hunnigan purposefully avoids all eye contact with him. Rebecca tries next.

"Why is the entire building on lockdown?"

She asks.

"There's been a breakout in one of the sub level protective custody suites."

Hunnigan explains and Claire speaks next.

"Anyone we know?"

Hunnigan hesitates, but knows that she must inform them that finding the escapee is their next mission.

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