“I'm glad we have you with us Michelle. With out you I think we all could be less comfortable, I mean you are the best cook out of all of us… you do know a few medical supplies to keep all of us healthy… not only that you look after us almost like a caring mother.”

Saying those words everyone looked at him surprised but Michelle couldn't help but question his words seeing she wasn't trying to be motherly but then again wasn't the first time she's been told she was one in away?

Tsukasa couldn't help but agree with Taiju & Senku knew far too well with them living together that it was true Michelle fit the bill correctly for a loving spouse, friend, mother… someone you could rely on when your having a bad day or just someone to have fun with. The topic already had her feel slightly uncomfortable and she just wanted to jump out of it.

Clearing her throat and being the first one to head out she didn't want to look at any of the guys, not wanting to show how odd she felt at the moment. “Well best we start the day no? I'll get breakfast ready then we can head to the beach, not sure about you guys but I am kinda wanting to have a little fun while we work.”

Jumping out the tree to get away from everyone soon as she could, Ruth would soon follow, leaving the others looking where she once stood a bit in question. They haven't seen Michelle acting odd before but taking the hint Senku & Tsukasa knew that the topic was a bit unsettling for her… for what reason they didn't know why but they thought it was best to leave it be. As for Taiju… well being a block head he didn't know what was wrong with her.

They all head out to gather baskets to fill in more shells once at the beach even refill the bamboo flask with fresh water to drink for later. Michelle was in her own little world thinking while she cooked… it's not like she didn't dislike what Taiju said about her, it was more like how it maid her feel… sure it was flattering in away but it also had her Realized how different she was from them.

What she meant was she was slightly older than the rest of them, in dragon times she was still consider in away 12 years old but as a human she was 16. Dragons age slower than normal humans, it's kinda the reason why they live longer but they could also chose as well if they want to grow up faster to be fully grown.

This topic alone had her think in many things but one thing came to mind the most making her miss her dear sister… once at age 18 well in human year's it was a coming if age ceremony, one that can't be taken lightly but it was also something she was looking forwarded to do along side her sister.

As she kept on cooking she did more than enough that Ruth had to help her snap out of it before she over cooked again. Licking her leg did wake her up as she saw him looked at her worried “Sorry must be over thinking again… but it's nothing to worry about.” Ruth new far too well she was correct but it still couldn't be helped how odd she was acting recently.

Michelle later on gave breakfast to everyone but this time she didn't want to sit close to them, seeing she was still feeling odd about the topic this morning she didn't want to make it feel more off for her self mostly. Tsukasa was getting worried about her thinking if what was said to her could have offended her or could it be tied to the church and what she was force to do? He wasn't sure but he wanted to ask… but he knew now wasn't the time.

Senku was also worried about her, for all the times he's spent along side her, he's never seen her act this way unless it was the day when her mind was half working, it was rare to see her forget every 15 to 5 minutes other then those odd times, he's never once worried till now… and as for Taiju he wanted to get up and ask right away but Senku & Tsukasa stopped him before he could, saying it was best to leave her alone for now.

They couldn't help but pay attention to her once they where done eating. Her movements where a bit slow and her eyes shown as if it was close to lifeless and distance. It was seen she was thinking hard but what could it be? They didn't know, till they had things packed and ready to go to the beach. Taiju this time was ahead of them while Michelle was in the middle along side with Ruth.

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