ch.2 | home sweet... ew

Start from the beginning

You did your best to match names to faces. Being one of the last few to arrive, you hadn't really caught a lot of them except for the small few—namely Lindsay, Izzy, Geoff, and you knew Katie and Sadie from hearing them in passing.

While you were lost in though, you felt a tap on your shoulder and glanced over to see no one standing there. You rolled your eyes and looked to your other side, where Vincent was walking next to you and acting oblivious, but his subtle smile was a dead giveaway. 

"You think you're so funny?" you scoffed.

As expected, you received a few glances from a couple of people after you spoke in your language, but you brushed them off.

When there's a lot of people around, you preferred to speak to Vincent in your Native tongue. At your alma mater, girls would usually attempt to eavesdrop on your conversations with him. So, you felt more comfortable talking to him in your language around groups of people. Although you admit that your conversations were sometimes lackluster and nothing to write home about, you couldn't really get rid of the habit.

Vincent harmlessly shrugged. "Yeah, I think I'm pretty funny."

"Funny looking is what you actually are."

"Anyways," he brushed off your playful insult, "are you liking this so far?"

You hummed. "I don't know. There's still plenty left to see before I make my final decision. Should we even be talking, though? We're on different teams..."

"You're right. We're enemies now," he grinned. "I hope you don't cry too much when you get sent home after your team loses."

"Oh, don't worry about me. I'll be jumping for joy if that happens." you sarcastically replied.

"Yeah, right."

He grabbed both of your luggage and handed you yours. You saw Lindsay waiting for you with her bags in hand so Vincent gave you a small pat on the shoulder before heading over to rejoin with his small circle of friends that he'd already somehow made. Other than Geoff, you're pretty sure you overheard the other two were Duncan and DJ.

You noticed that people were separated into small cliques with people from their respective teams. Though, a few simply walked alone. Katie and Sadie seemed glued to each other's sides despite them being on separate teams. You wondered that if you hadn't met Lindsay, would you have been attached to Vincent?  

"What were you and Victor talking about?" Lindsay questioned innocently after you caught up to her. "It sounded like you guys weren't speaking English."

"That's because we weren't," you replied. "But we weren't really talking about much. Nothing interesting, to be honest."

"Oh! Are you bi-language-al?" she perked up. "I am too! I speak fluent English and American." She nodded confidently.

"That's... neat, Lindsay," you smiled politely and she hummed happily in response. You really didn't want to be the one to break it to her that American wasn't a language.

Finally, you made it to your sleeping accommodations and realization finally dawned on you that you'd have to actually sleep in shoddy-looking cabins. If you were ten years younger, you probably would've been elated over it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍, total dramaWhere stories live. Discover now