ch.1 | a warm welcome (not)

Start from the beginning

He laughed. "I don't know why you're talking because you got sent home too. You're the one that gave them to me, after all."

"Yeah, whatever, Buggy."

The boat docked and from the large group of people currently staring at you, you could tell that you had to be one of the last ones to arrive. The host, Chris McLean, grinned widely at the two of you.

"Vincent and [Name]!" he introduced. "Welcome to the island. Everyone, these two are childhood friends to lovers-?"

You cut the host off immediately, giving him a small glare. "We're not lovers. Don't ever disrespect me like that again."

Vincent snickered as he grabbed both of your luggages. Chris merely shrugged, holding out his hand to help you down from the boat. "Could've fooled me."

With a slight eye roll, you accepted the host's aid and stepped onto the dock. You were quick to notice how unstable and shaky it felt under your weight, but you brushed it off.

Your best friend went to throw your luggage in with everyone else's, so you walked up to the closest person and stood next to them—which happened to be one of the most gorgeous girls you've ever laid your eyes on.

She greeted you quickly, giving you a warm smile as she tilted her head slightly to the side and waved at you. "Hi!" she beamed, her voice laced with honey. "I'm Lindsay. You're, like, super gorg!"

You blinked, stunned by her bluntness. "Oh, thank you. You are too."

"I get that a lot," she hummed with a small nod.

You obviously believed her, but decided to not press any further on the topic. "I'm [Name], by the way."

She gasped in delight, her piercing blue eyes sparkling. "Oh my gosh! I have a sister named that.. or was it my cousin? Maybe it was my friend." She placed her finger on her cheek, seemingly in deep thought. "Actually, I think you're the only person I know who's named [Name]."

You turned around to see that Vincent was already mingling with a few of the other guys, so you directed your attention back to Lindsay. She noticed who you were looking at and smiled brightly.

"Oh my gosh. Is that, like, your boyfriend?"

"No," you immediately denied, wondering how she already forgot that you corrected the host when he made that same mistake. "He's just my friend."

"I have a guy friend back home too, his name is—"

Next thing you knew, she began chattering about a plethora of frivolous things. Namely, her friends back home. You didn't stop or interrupt her, just nodding your head along as you listened. She took the lead on the conversation and didn't force you to remark if you didn't want to, which you greatly appreciated.

Within such a short amount of time, you'd come to learn quite a few things about her. You noticed that she wasn't the.. brightest. You had to correct her when she misused or mispronounced a word and you helped her out when she was struggling to properly articulate something, but she was such an easy person to get along with that you felt lucky you met her first.

Finally, the last contestant arrived on a boat. An eccentric, red-headed girl was excitedly waving at everyone with a wide smile.

𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍, total dramaWhere stories live. Discover now