The Reaction

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"You're in love with me?" Faye asked. To say she was shocked was an understatement. Here she was, standing in front of her inconsolable best friend. 'Why me?' She thought, 'of all the people in the world, why me? Why now? How long?' There were too many thoughts and questions racing through Faye's head. Her feelings of confusion and shock were quickly turning into anger.
"What do you mean you are in love with me?!"
Claire fought through her tears, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. You weren't supposed to find out like this, if ever, I..."
"Sorry?!" Shouted Faye, "what about Reece? You know, your husband? No. Do you know what Claire? I can't do this. Not now. I think you're right, actually. I think we do need some space. I am NOT interested in you like that. I love MY husband, and YOU love yours. So we do this show, and you need to stay away from me and sort your head out."
Claire felt numb. Why did she say anything? None of this would have happened. Faye looked at her as though she were a stranger.
"Faye, I'm sorry, I really am. I've tried so hard to get over the way I feel about you, but I just can't. Please. I can't lose you, you're my best friend."
Faye could hear the helplessness in Claire's voice, but it was muffled by her own thoughts.
"Just leave Claire. Please." She said coldly.
Claire paused for a moment. Her mouth slightly ajar as if she wanted to say something to make Faye let her stay. Instead, all she could muster was a defeated "ok." The sadness she felt was overwhelming. Then she turned and left the room, shutting the door behind her.
Faye crashed down onto a nearly sofa. The tears came quickly, and she thought that they would never stop. Just as quickly as she was trying to comprehend what had just unfolded, there came a loud knock at the door.
"Faye darling! We're on in 5! So get that cute arse of yours into gear!" It was H. Faye moved towards the mirror. She was a mess. Mascara had run down both of her cheeks. 'Fuck...fuck!' She thought, and reached for a nearby makeup remover.
"FAYE! For fuck's sake girl you've got 1 minute what the hell are you doing?!" It was Lisa.
'There' she thought,'That's better'. Faye looked at herself in the mirror and flashed a smile, but even she could see the sadness in her eyes.
She walked out of the dressing room to meet the other four band members. Claire looked particularly sheepish.
"Bloody hell Fuff! What took you so long? Thought we were going to have to send in a search and rescue party!"
Laughed Lee.
"Sorry guys! Had real trouble getting this bloody headpiece to stay on!" Said Faye, pointing to the Tradegy style tiara on her head.
"No worries babes! Right, guys... let's do this!" Said H.
And with that the band assumed formation ready to go on stage. The choreography worked that for most of the show, Claire and Faye would be standing at opposite ends, which Faye was thankful for.
The show itself went off without a hitch. When everybody came off stage, they all did their traditional group hug.
"So then! Drinks?!" Asked Lisa. Everybody agreed. Except for Faye.
"Actually, guys. I can't this time. I'm so sorry, but I've got to get straight home. Ben is off to university in the morning, so.. you know." However, that was totally NOT the reason for her quick exit.
"Oh God, yeah, no problem!" Said Lee.
She hugged them all, including Claire. She was still her best friend.
Faye said goodbye and went out to catch her cab.
Claire left the others and ran to catch Faye before she left.
"Faye. Please can we just talk?"
Faye held open the door. She looked back at Claire, tears in her eyes.
"I'll see you soon. Clara." Said Faye.
She got into the cab, and with that, she was gone. Leaving a heartbroken Claire behind.

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