Spring Break

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The time leading up to Spring Break went well. Logan and I snuck around and continued our relationship without anyone knowing. I packed up my bag. I walked to where Logan was having us picked up. Quinn, Zoey, and Nicole were already there. Lola, Lexi, and Mikaila were all invited, but had other plans. Chase, Logan, Michael, and Dustin, Zoey's brother, walked up. It was a little chilly. I had on PCA sweatpants and a PCA hoodie. It was early. Rebecca showed up. I groaned. A big SUV showed up. It was nice. Everyone was excited.

"Guys this is just for our bags. That's for us." Logan said pointing at a limo. Everyone got more excited. The driver loaded our bags into the one car. We all got into the limo. I sat in between Chase and Michael. As we started driving, I laid my head on Michael's shoulder and fell asleep. I woke up when we got to the house. The house was huge and right on the beach. We all walked inside. The driver brought our bags in. Logan showed us all to our rooms one by one. I was last. He came downstairs and beckoned for me to follow him. I followed him upstairs. He led me to a room and opened the door. It was huge, and had floor to ceiling windows overlooking the ocean. It had a private bathroom.

"Wow Logan this is beautiful" I said.

"Best room in the house. I wanted to make sure you got it" he said. I smiled. "It also happens to be right next to mine." I walked over to the door and closed it. He hugged me and pulled me close to him.

"I'm so tired of hiding" I said.

"I know me too" Logan said. He kissed me. I kissed him back. Someone knocked on my door. Logan hid behind the door. I opened it. But blocked the door a bit. I saw Zoey.

"Wow nice room" Zoey said. "We're all going to the beach so we're letting everyone know." I nodded.

"Sounds good let me just change" I said. Zoey raised an eyebrow.

"Are you okay? You're blocking the door pretty hard" she said.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I asked.

"You seem nervous" she said. Nicole walked up.

"Hey guys. So I let everyone know. Everyone is down to go. The only person I couldn't find was Logan. He wasn't in his room." Nicole said then walked away to get ready.

"Have you seen Logan?" Zoey asked.

"Uh no...I haven't since he brought me up here" I lied. I must have lied badly because Zoey's eyes widened a bit. She pushed passed me into the room and saw Logan behind the door. I closed the door behind her.

"What's going on here?" Zoey asked. "Are you two back together?"

"We are" Logan said.

"But please don't tell Chase or anyone else I'm not ready for that" I said.

"How long?" Zoey asked.

"Since the first weekend back to PCA" I said.

"How have you been hiding this?" Zoey asked.

"It hasn't been easy" Logan said. "Can we count on you to keep the secret?"

"Yes" Zoey said. We thanked her then went to get ready for the beach. We all went down to the beach. I had on a black bandeau bikini top that tied in the back, a pair of matching bottoms, a short denim skirt, and a t-shirt. I put on my sandals and we walked to the beach. I laid out my towel once we found a spot and sat down. Everyone ran for the water except Zoey and me. She sat next to me.

"Can I ask you something?" Zoey asked.

"Yeah sure" I said.

"Do you love him?" Zoey asked. "I'm just confused on why you would get back together with him after what he did."

"I do. I mean what he did was terrible and he even admitted that he was stupid and regretted it. I think me hearing him admit that he messed up and that he was stupid. Made me realize how sorry he was" I said. Zoey nodded.

"Are you guys going to the formal together?" Zoey asked.

"No. He's going with someone else and I'm going with Michael as friends" I said. Zoey nodded. "Who are you going with?"

"Nicole" she said.

We all went back to the house after spending a long time on the beach. We all showered and started to get ready for dinner. Logan's dad was joining us for dinner, along with his step-mom. We were all dressing up a little bit. I pulled on a tight-fitting black skirt, a black crop top, and a black sweater. I pulled on a pair of black heeled boots. I straightened my hair. I met up with Zoey in the hallway. She had on a short tight fitting pink dress. We all walked into the living room. Logan's dad introduced himself to us. As everyone went into the dining room. Logan pulled me back gently. Once everyone was out of earshot Logan turned to his dad.

"Dad this is Chrissy, my girlfriend" Logan said. Logan's dad shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you" he said.

"You as well. Thank you for letting us come and stay" I said. We talked for a bit then joined the others. Logan's dad had a private chef make a ton of really amazing food. We all ate until we couldn't anymore. Once dinner was over, I went up to my room and changed into a pair of pajama shorts and a hoodie. I laid down in the king-sized bed that was in there. It was really nice. I heard a knock at the door. I got up and opened it. Logan quietly came in. I smiled. We laid in the bed and talked and watched movies and then ultimately fell asleep.

The next day everyone woke up late. We hung around the pool and around the house. Later that night I got a text from Logan telling me to put on a dress and meet him on the beach. I pulled on a long semi formal black dress that had a lace bodice and a slit that came up to my thigh. I curled my hair loosely and did my make-up. I snuck out of the house so no one would see me. I ran down to the beach. I didn't put shoes on because it didn't make sense since I was going to the beach. I saw a table on the beach covered by a white fabric canopy with some fairy lights around it. I smiled and walked up to it. I saw Logan. He had on a pair of dress pants and a button up shirt.

"Logan this is beautiful but you didn't have to do all this" I said.

"I wanted to." He said. I smiled. We sat and ate. It felt like when we first got together. We just talked. Once we finished eating, Logan turned the lights off and we laid in the sand and looked at the stars.

"It's beautiful" I said looking at the sky.

"Yes, you are" he said. I smiled. I rolled towards him and kissed him. "I was so stupid to let you go the first time. You are the perfect girl." I smiled. Logan's dad and step mom came down and we all sat and talked.

The rest of spring break went well. Logan and I slept in the same room most of the nights, which was really nice. We all packed up and went home. We went back into our normal lives until the formal. Rebecca ended up blackmailing Zoey. Chase broke up with her and she got expelled. 

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