"Ma'am, did you quarrel with your husband?"

Aunt Zhang asked worriedly.

Compared with the husband who came back every day before, since the performance of the young master's play, his attitude towards his wife seems to have changed back to the original one.

Yi Qingju curled her lips when she heard the words: "Auntie Zhang flattered me, how can I make him angry."

Speaking of Qi Weiran before, that's abnormal, okay?

Inexplicable man.

"I remember you are going to make mango mousse today, right? Are you ready?"

Speaking of this topic, she changed her indifferent expression and looked at Aunt Zhang expectantly.

Aunt Zhang: "..."

So mango mousse is more important than Mr.

Satisfied, Yi Qingju took the big plate of mango mousse and went to the small building next to her.

Although it is called a small building, it is actually as high as eighteen floors.

"Ma'am, which floor do you want to go to?"

The butler in the elevator asked politely.

Yi Qingju thought for a while: "Which floor has the best view?"

The Qi's Villa is so big that she hasn't visited the whole place after living here for two years, and she seldom visits this building.

"The eighteenth floor, madam."

"There is a greenhouse garden built there, which is very suitable for you to watch while eating dessert."

Yi Qingju nodded: "Then let's go to the eighteenth floor, thank you." "

You're welcome, madam .” When he pressed the button on the eighteenth floor, the butler lowered his eyes, hiding the gloating in his eyes.

Aunt Zhang, who was ordering someone to clean up the kitchen, suddenly remembered something.


I forgot to tell my wife that if you go to the building next door, don't go to the eighteenth floor. There is a "forbidden area" that the husband personally ordered no one to enter.

"I hope the housekeeper there remembers to remind her."

The last time a servant broke in by mistake, the husband got very angry. She had never seen him so angry.

"There's nothing wrong with you, I think the indicators are all normal."

Feng Yisheng looked at the report in his hand, his brows were frowned, and his little curly hair was raised up randomly.

Qi Weiran stood up from the instrument and buttoned his shirt with one hand.

"Are you sure?"

Feng Yisheng raised his eyes to meet his amber eyes that didn't seem to reveal any emotion, and complained, "Please, I'm a top psychiatrist." "Generally,

patients with severe auditory hallucinations have obvious Mental illnesses such as mania or schizophrenia, you are clearly everything is normal."

Hearing that everything is normal, Qi Weiran couldn't tell what it was like, sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, he asked proactively: "What are you doing?" Tell me again about the case of the inner voice that you mentioned last time.”

Feng Yisheng didn’t expect him to be interested in this, and immediately widened his eyes: “Don’t tell me that your auditory hallucination is also similar to the inner voice. That kind of thing!?"

Qi Weiran glanced at him expressionlessly: "Am I the kind of person who would confuse auditory hallucinations with superpowers?" Even

to death, he would not admit that he really thought so.

Feng Yisheng looked at him dubiously, put down the report in his hand and sat opposite him, and tapped the table with his fingers without rhythm.

"If it didn't affect normal life, no one would have noticed that the person's mental state was problematic." "

The patient's auditory hallucinations were limited to one object, and he thought he had the superpower to hear the voice of that fixed object."

"The patient works in a bank, and he has a relationship with that person as a colleague. The patient gets close to him every day, thinking that the other person is a glamorous female killer hiding in the market and pretending to be an ordinary person." "He firmly believed in this, but one

time A criminal gang robbed the bank and tied them all up as hostages." "

The patient tried his best, even almost at the cost of his life, to get a gun and gave it to the man without hesitation." "

But Who knows, the woman didn't know what the patient meant after the panic, and the patient became anxious, probably saying something like "you still have to hide your identity now", but the woman looked confused and didn't know why the other party responded to her. I have this misunderstanding. "

At this time, the gangster also found the gun in the woman's hand. At the critical moment, because she was too scared and her movements were sloppy, the gun went off and shot directly through her head.

"From that moment on, the patient knew it. "

"What's in your heart, all this is just his fantasy. " "

He has no evidence that women are killers at all. He thought that the cold and ruthless female killer was indeed just fabricated by him." "

After listening to this not-so-long story, Qi Weiran left Feng Yisheng's house.

When he went downstairs, he almost couldn't help thinking of the girl who hugged him and told himself jokes when the elevator lost control in the hospital. He

has no evidence to prove that it is the real Yi Qingju...

When he got into the car, Zhang Wei who had been by his side suddenly said, "Sir, the security department has prepared a New Year's surprise for you in advance, and it has been sent to the mailbox , if you have time, you can take a look. Looking at Qi

Weiran with a heavy expression, Zhang Wei sighed in his heart.

I hope Madam's singing and dancing can bring short-term happiness to my husband.

Qi Weiran nodded absent-mindedly, and said casually, "I have a heart."

After pretending to be licking dogs,the boss can suddenly read mindUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum