"Thank you... Pyrrha..." Misty said with a small smile, and Pyrrha smiled as well.

"Atta Girl." Pyrrha chuckled, and Misty nervously laughed as well. As they continued to drive, Pyrrha looked at Misty once again.

"Speaking of which..."

Misty turned with a curious look in her big eyes, then Pyrrha looked at her with a smirk. "Why haven't you told her yet?" Pyrrha asked.

"Told who what?" Misty quickly answered, her heart hammering. That made Pyrrha laugh once again.

"You're as bad as lying as she is, I swear." She laughed. "Ori. I've seen the way you look at her."

Her scales turned pink, and she gasped. "I-I-I dunno what you're t-talking about." Misty stumbled, poking her fingers nervously.

"Misty, do you really think I would have an issue with it? Especially considering the fact that I know you know she feels the same way about you?" Pyrrha asked her, and Misty froze, not sure what to say. Then she sighed.

"I thought... today at my house... that we'd kiss." She admitted, sounding disappointed?

"Oh?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yeah... we both just kinda froze and stared at each other, but... Ori didn't, and I didn't. I pulled out of it too." Misty sighed.

"Gods..." Pyrrha groaned. "Our daughter is even worse at it than we were."

"Huh?" Misty asked.

"Jaune was soooo oblivious of me, and I was too nervous to really tell him outright how I felt. It was agonizing... I think that's the worst trait of ours she's carried down. Our hopelessly romantic skills." Pyrrha chuckled.

"H-How long have you known?" Misty asked, still blushing.

"About a year." She answered.

"A YEAR?" She yelped in disbelief.

"Like I said, you're not exactly subtle." Pyrrha stated. Misty buried her face in her hands, groaning. "But don't worry, you have my blessing. And Jaune's too... just..." Pyrrha paused, and Misty peaked through her fingers. "Don't waste time... okay?"

"What do you mean?" She asked.

Pyrrha paused as she drove, seeming to stare into oblivion for a few moments. "I lost a lot of friends in Beacon... friends I wished could have seen this beautiful world we live in now. But they didn't get to... they died young... and in pain. And I never got to say goodbye to them. It still haunts me, every single day." Pyrrha explained, then she looked at Misty. "Never waste the time with people you care about... because anything can happen. Cherish every second... and if you love someone... tell them."

The words really struck a chord with Misty. "That's why..."

"Yeah... that's why I never wanted Oriana to go there, or you. That place... holds a lot of bad memories. For a lot of us." Pyrrha said with sadness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. When we were there, we constantly imagined how cool it must have been to go there... but then we'd always remember how it ended." Misty explained.

Pyrrha nodded. "It was cool... for a few months, they were the best days of my life. Then the attack happened... and even though there were four years of life there... it never really went away." Pyrrha explained.

"We won't go back there, I promise." Misty assured.

Pyrrha smiled, gently holding Misty's hand. "Thank you."


An hour later...

Jaune was sitting on the stairs, and he could faintly hear the quiet crying of Oriana in her bedroom. She still hadn't been able to fall asleep, and it filled him with regret.

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