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Kyrie Irving~ 9 months and 40 weeks pregnant
*Kyrie Irving's bedroom*

Kyrie was asleep when he woke up feeling a strong wave of contractions. He went to his parents bedroom and knocked on the door. His dad walked to the door and asked what was going on and Kyrie told his father that he was having contractions. His father asked him to lay in bed while his stepmother is calling the midwife telling her that the baby was coming. His two sisters came to keep him relaxed. The midwife turns out to be Paul's mom in which she will be helping Kyrie with the birth. Kyrie clings on to his dad swaying side to side and starts sitting on the birthing ball. He was breathing through contractions while his sisters were there to help him out and suggesting that they can walk around the block to speed things up. Mrs. George comes to the Irving Residence and checked Kyrie's dilation was 3 cm dilated, so she suggested for him to walk around with the help from his father and sisters. They did as they were supposed to just to get Kyrie's dilation to go faster and yet, they can give Kyrie some energy before he starts his second and final stages of labor. 3 hours had passed and Kyrie is now falling asleep.

Asia, the sister of Kyrie called Paul George on FaceTime as Paul asks how Kyrie was doing and he's been doing alright. Paul wished him a good luck as he was still resting in order for him to gain his energy for the birth. "I love you Kyrie," He whispered. "Love you too Paul," Kyrie said. They had waited for Kyrie to get ready to push the baby out. Around 3pm, Paul's mother checks again and Kyrie is at 6 cm dilated.

When it was around 6-7pm,

Kyrie screams in pain indicating that he was already at 9 cm dilated. His sisters were alerted by his brother's screams and his father had to go upstairs to check on Kyrie. In fact, Kyrie was almost prepared to start pushing as his Stepmother is gathering the towels alongside Paul's mother. Later on, Paulette breaks his water and he was now ready to start pushing the baby out.

"Okay, Kyrie are you ready?" Mrs. George asks while putting her gloves on. "Yes Mrs. George," Kyrie responded as his father lifts the nightgown up that will show his pregnant belly and his two sister will hold his legs up. He didn't mind having his baby bump being shown when it comes to giving birth, he wanted to have the baby in his arms. "I want you to breathe in a push when you feel a contraction coming in," He did as he could trying to push slowly. "There you go Kyrie, just take your time and push slowly, but not too hard," His father did the count from one to ten while massaging him on the baby bump. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten," She counted Kyrie's stages of pushing. "You're doing great Kyrie, take a deep breath and push!" Kyrie held it in for ten seconds and then he had to breathe. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Break!" Kyrie crashed his head on the pillows before he gets back up to push again until the counting down was interrupted by Kyrie Irving's screams during birth.

"One, two, three, four, five, six-," "AAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!" Kyrie interrupted Mrs. George's countdown with a loud scream as his father pressed Kyrie's baby bump to help get the baby to come out faster. "Push harder Kyrie!" "AAAAAAAHHHH! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" "It's okay Kyrie, I know it hurts," Asia said. She and her sister were trying their best to hold Kyrie's legs up. Kyrie did what he could. However, things started to go wrong when Paul's mother Paulette noticed that something wasn't right with the baby.

"Kyrie, I don't want you to get hurt but the baby is coming out bottom first," Paul's mother Paulette noticed there was something wrong with the baby's position. Kyrie was sobbing when he heard that the baby was coming out bottom first in which it was the breech presentation of the baby that would put him in an extreme pain. His sister Asia tries her best to console her crying brother. "Kyrie the baby is not in a correct position, we need to get her to turn," Kyrie stayed calm as she helped correct the baby's position on her brother's belly. "It will be alright, just hang in there," When his sister helped adjusted the baby's position in his womb, Kyrie knew he had to keep going. "Her head is almost out! Push! Kyrie! Push!" He did as he could sobbing his eyes out. "Again! Kyrie! Again! Her head is coming out now! Push!" "OOWWWWWWW!" Kyrie yells feeling the baby's head crown. "I can see the baby's bead," She noticed the head that came out of Kyrie's cervix and of course! It was his baby because he and Paul George decided to create their family together. He had to take a break between contractions. He pushed slowly trying not to tear prior to the difficult childbirth. "You're halfway there bro," London smiled. "Just keep going," Kyrie did what he could and had to stop for a while since Mrs. George had to check if the umbilical cord was wrapped around the neck of the baby. Thankfully, it wasn't wrapped as he managed to keep going until he reached for the shoulder parts. "Okay, she's out, but this is going to be more painful since I have to pull her out," When Mrs. George was going to pull the baby out, Kyrie was letting out an ear piercing scream. "It's okay, it's okay Kyrie, she's coming out now," London comforts her screaming brother. "Hang tight! She's almost there!" Kyrie screams on top of his lungs until the sound of the baby's cry had been heard from the whole room.

"Congratulations! You have a beautiful baby girl," She cleaned the baby and cut the cord before returning her back to her mother. Kyrie's sisters took photos of the baby and sent it to Paul George. Paul smiled knowing that his daughter was born. "What's the name of the baby?" She followed. "Elizabeth Grace Irving-George," Kyrie answered. "That's a beautiful name," Paul's mother smiled.

Elizabeth Grace Irving-George
Born at 8:45pm on February 14, 2012
Gender: female
Weight: 8 lbs 8 oz.
Mother: Kyrie Irving
Father: Paul George

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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