Funtime Bonnie is jealous

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Hi there guys this part is after redbear white rabbit and tangle show up. So redbear told the last part. Now it's Funtime Bonnie turn to tell this part. So I am wondering who do you guys think Bradley should be with. Redbear or Funtime Bonnie. Well let's get to the story.

After we leave the pizzeria me and the funtimes go to the market to do some shopping. I noticed Bradley and that Red bear run out of the pizzeria. Like they are late for something. Wait I remember before those others interrupt us. Bradley said he had to hurry because he has to meet up with fredbear and spring Bonnie. At the market. But why is he taking that Red bear with him. Well me and the funtimes get to the market and see fredbear and spring Bonnie. Then we see Bradley introducing them to that Red bear. I see Bradley Lean into this Red bear. Like they are lovers or something. But I do think Bradley has feelings for this Red bear. But I know I can get Bradley to be mine. This Red bear Guy won't get in my way.
Funtime Freddy:" earth to Funtime Bonnie we are heading back to the circus tent what are you staring at."
The other funtimes look in the draction of where I am staring and they smile.
Circus baby:" aww how cute Funtime Bonnie is jealous of that other guy with Bradley."

I growl darkly still looking at Bradley and that Red bear.
Funtime Freddy:" huh guys we should really get back remember we have that freakshow baby to take care of."
Funtime foxy:" yeah she doesn't remember who she is but I think we should get back to her. '
We leave but I look back at Bradley and that Red bear. Huh maybe the others are right I am jealous of that Red bear. I then see him and Bradley kiss. Why did they kiss Bradley has never kissed me. Are him and this Red bear dating. I growl more because I want Bradley. Who does this new Guy think he is moving in on my rabbit. The others stop when they notice I ain't fellowing them. They look back at me and sigh. I catch up with them and we continue walking back to the circus tent. I wonder if this freakshow baby knows Bradley and that Red bear too. I guess I could ask her. But she doesn't remember her past. So I have to be careful about how I ask her.

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