"There, on the starboard bow!" The Mandalorian who was on Watch whistled down.

A rumbling could now be heard in the distance. A large formation of rocks seemed to be hiding the threat from view. Everybody was immediately on alert and stood up.

My heart almost stopped as the large formation of rocks began to shift. I took in a deep breath to control my fear as we grew closer and closer to what I thought was just inanimate stone. Suddenly, a massive creature burst through the ground, revealing its massive Maw. It roared loudly and began to head straight for us.

The ship turned violently and I stumbled slightly as we tried to avoid flying straight into its mouth. Debri flew off of the massive creature as it continued to roar down at us. I then noticed its massive tail swooshing up into the air with the full intent of crashing down upon us.

"Abandon ship!" The captain yelled loudly

My immediate concern was to find Grogu, but when my eyes landed on IG-12, I felt relieved. Paz and Axe grabbed onto the droid's arms and flew up and out of harm's way, keeping Grogu safe. If the situation hadn't been so dangerous, it would have made me smile. He had brought the two men together somehow. Maybe Grogu should be the one with the Darksaber. But perhaps when he's a little older.

A hand tightly grabbed onto my arm and spun me around. I flinched slightly before I came face to face with Din Djarin. I quickly stepped closer to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he held on tightly to my waist. Right before the creature's tail smacked down onto the ship, Din flew us upwards as quickly as he possibly could. I held onto him as tightly as I could as we flew away from the ship.

The creature's tail finally came down on the ship, and it smashed it to pieces. The wooden ship exploded into massive flames from the impact alone. Debri and hot fire shot out in every direction as the group of Mandalorians attempted to escape the blast.

The explosion made Din and I land too quickly. We stumbled but managed to stay on our feet as we quickly began to run away from the explosion and the creature. My heart hammered against my rib cage as chaos ensued around me. Mandalorians were shouting as they ran and fell from the sky. Some of them landed hard and fell to the ground. Din and I very quickly made our way to the entrance of a cave where we were taking cover. My eyes immediately fell on Grogu who was standing with Axe Woves.

The two of us rushed over to them. Din grabbed onto IG-12's arm so he could turn Grogu around to face him.

"Thank you." I said gratefully to Axe Woves as Din nodded to the man in thanks.

"You good?" Din asked worriedly. Grogu nodded but I could tell from his wide eyes and lowered ears that he was afraid.

Another massive thud shook the ground and caused rocks to fall from the cave roof above us. I stepped closer to Grogu and gently patted his ear. "It's okay." I said softly.

"We're not far. We need to go further down." The captain announced

"Go! Go! Go!" He began to usher people to another cave entrance that would hopefully lead us lower underground.

"Before you guys rebuild, you need some serious pest control!" I said to Din and Bo as we ran after the others

"That's an understatement." Bo-Katan called over to me.

The rumbling began to get quieter and quieter as we got deeper into the caves. The tunnels were quite small, but wide enough for us to fit through. Our footsteps echoed off of the cave walls and the air grew more damp and dense. I couldn't help but cough due to the smoke that had entered my lungs when the ship was destroyed.

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