Unwanted guest

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Zhao house

Zhao came inside the room and found Wei checking his luggage. Yunlan bite his lower lips and thinking....how to start the conversation.

"I...I'm leaving....for couple of months!" Yunlan utter looking at Wei's facial expression "okay, take care of yourself..." Wei simply replies without looking at him....and this action of Wei make Yunlan frowns.

He get frustrated and grab Wei's arm then make him look at him. "Why you behaving like a kid?" Yunlan yelled on him "I am a kid!" Shen also raises his voice and swat Yunlan's hand....he turn other side while crossing his arms against his chest.

Yunlan squeeze his eyes to control his anger and sighed deeply "please Xiao Wei, try to understand the situation. If you wouldn't understands then....who going to help us? Help....me?" Yunlan hold Wei's shoulder and make him turn his side.

"It's a matter of couple of months. And after that....(coming close) I'll take you on honeymoon!" Yunlan said and Shen look up at his face "I'm not angry because of this....(Yunlan arch his brows) I'm angry because I feel rejected...!"

Shen look down and Yunlan give him crown kiss "Who said you are rejected?....(rubbing that bite area) see, I mark you already. It means.....you are mine for forever!" Yunlan lovingly looking into Wei's almond eyes and a sweet smile appears on Wei's thin lips.

Yunlan hold Wei's chin and make him close to his lips....then he lean to kiss him. Shenwei close his eyes and pull himself little up....but Yunlan stop when he reminds Father's word. He retreat himself and only hugs Wei.

Shenwei feels very bad but he knows....that there is no use in asking about last night. Because Yunlan will not have any answer to that question. Shen knew that whoever Yunlan was with last night, did not want.....Wei to come close to Yunlan.

"I am sorry!" Yunlan said and break the hugs.....Shen open his eyes and looked at Yunlan with pout "call me everyday. Actually, twice a day....in the morning and in the night time, before sleeping. Like a good husband!"

Yunlan nod like a servant "Yes sir! Command accepted!"

"And one more thing.....don't you ever let anyone touch you." Shen seriously looking at him and Yunlan pull him in his embrace "okay my dear wifey. I only do as you said! Now give me a tight hug....because, I'm getting late."

Yunlan cup Wei's face between his rough palm. Shen smile and hold Yunlan's both hands....then kisses on his palm. "Don't die...please! Always remember, I'm waiting for you." He said and after a sweet hugs Yunlan go from there.

He hugs his parents and directly goes toward his car. Yunlan looked back and wave his hand "by...e....ahh!!" But he get startled when suddenly Wei comes while running then hugs his chest....and start crying.

Yunlan clinch his fist and hardly control his emotions. He gesture his mother to take Wei away. Mrs. Zhao come "Wei..?" Shen leave Yunlan's chest and run inside the house. Zhao looked at Wei's back "take care of him" he said and went with his fellow officer.....who came to pick him.

Xinci comes and wrap his arms around his wife "One mistake of your.....filled separation and tear in their kid's life. I am really sorry for that!" Xinci apologize and silently wipe his tear "go, check Wei...he is alright or not." Mrs. Zhao also wipes her eyes and went inside the house.


A week later.....


After being discharged, Hong comes to the office and finds out that Lin has extracted some information from the old database. She immediately goes over and asks....Lin changes the story and confuses Hong with pictures of Lucas's murder scene.

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