The church

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We finally reached the church. It was small, old and grey and it was surrounded by a messy garden. Behind the church there was an old cemetery where people were no longer buried. It was believed that the spirits buried there couldn't leave the living world, so they haunted the cemetery and the church at night. Some people living near can even hear screams coming from the cemetery and see shadowy figures walking through it.

When we got off the bus we were greeted by a priest. He was tall, chubby, had very short brown hair, and looked quite young. But something was off. The priest looked annoyed and tired. The look in his eyes looked deathly and cold.

- Good day, students, - the priest greets in a cold voice. - today you will help me clean the church. Please listen to me and the teacher, and at the end you will receive a reward for your work.

- Good day, - the teacher greets happily.

- Time to divide you into three groups,- the priest said. -May I borrow the class' list? - he asked the teacher.

The teacher gave it to him. He looked at it for a moment and said:

- Alex, Daisy, James, Mike, Olivia, Emily, Sam, Kristina, Chloe and Penelope will go to the first team. Adalyn, Ava, Liam, Noah, Owen, Meg, Henry, Daniel, Levi and Anna will go to the second team and the rest of you will be going to the third team.

We all split into our teams. I was really happy to be in a team with my crush, James. He had black, fluffy hair, Brown eyes and a cute smile, but still somehow acted stupid.

- The first team will work in the garden, the second team will work in the church and the third team will work in the cemetery, - the priest announced.

After the announcement I was quite happy to know that I won't be working in the cemetery. But my team will probably work the most, because the garden was the messiest place here. There was a LOT of leaves and branches, and rotten roses in the bushes that we will have to pick out. And we have some rose bushes to plant. So it will take a long time since the garden is very big. But we have a lot of time so it shouldn't be hard.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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