Chp : 1

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Hello again 💀✌🏻
I have no words
Let's just get into it


Chapter 1 : Day One.

Two months earlier
August 10th
Sarah's POV :

"I'm sorry, I used to like you but now I just want to focus on my studies.. I hope you can understand.."

That's what she had said to me

I confessed to her and I got rejected
First time in my life had I loved someone like that, and I just got my heart crushed

I mean it's my fault I took too long

If I had confessed a month earlier maybe she would've said yes to me

I really do have a shitty life Don't I?

Well I guess we weren't just meant to be....

Two months later
October 6th
6:47 PM

Sitting on the couch looking at a fanfic with a straight face

Was it boring? Yes.
Do I had anything else to do? No.

My life is just so boring, not a drama nor a romance I mean I did had a drama + romance thing going on but it was like two months ago

I'm over her... I think-

Ehhh who cares let's just focus on the story

I focused on the story
It was a fan fiction of Naruto
Sasunaru very obvious
In wattpad duhh

A scene came and I wrote something abt it in the comments

As I wrote it my mother called for me

"Sarah! Come and set the table!"

"Coming!" I yelled back from my room

I post the comment

And put my phone on the charger and got up

Going to the kitchen where my mother was

Get this.
My family. All of them
They're homophobic and racist
And I'm the eldest daughter

I'm lesbian.

Am I scared? Yes. I'm pretty scared to be around my parents

They don't know
And I'll make sure they never know

People in my family who knows
Are my aunts(two of them) and my cousins(the eldests)

And do they support me? One aunt doesn't but she won't tell, the other does and is happy for me

My cousins support me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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