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this chapter came to me in a dream. woke up saw words on the draft and was GAGGED. i do not remember a single thing

You think that, within the passing years, Dreemyard's much more than a boulevard for dreams to born in, but also a cemetery to bury them

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You think that, within the passing years, Dreemyard's much more than a boulevard for dreams to born in, but also a cemetery to bury them.

Tonight, a starless sky greets you and the rest of Tenjiku. Paving the way for their dreams and stepping all over Toman's —as well as destroying Emma's.

That last thought plagues every crevice of your mind, showing in your erratic kicks coming from your legs as you try and get comfortable on the cold metal from the wharf's containers.

Staring down at the ground, you can't find any trace of those two girls exploring their self proclaimed kingdom. Ghosts from the past, now that your territory has become a battlefield.

Sparing you occasional fleeting glances, Koko fights off the deathly cold bringing in misfortune upon them. Scrunching up his nose at the choking red he wears, as starved as a starting fire.

Koko doesn't want to burn in agony, but embrace the warmth the friendly fire of your arms has given him. He stands all alone, leaning against the cargo with his arms crossed, hoping to recreate some of your comfort.

He looks back on your words just for Inui to show up in his head. Koko believes he's done good in leaving him behind, without regrets despite his one concern.

However, he won't have to be lonely as long as you're around, right? He hopes so.

Warning in hushed whispers, you can't hear the sea quite like Nanako used to. It's calm, mumbling a tune so low it goes unheard.

Near you, sitting with his legs crossed and his chin cradled by the palm of his hand, Ran speaks. His eyes don't search for yours, absentminded.

Accustomed to the sweetness glazing his voice, with a taste of sour from the arrogance he sometimes displays, it's odd to hear solemnity coming from his inexpressive lips.

"This is where—" He cuts himself off, gulping at the fast turn of your head. An ice cold pressure hugs him, melting from your igniting glare. "Where we first met."

A rearranged last sentence that spits out of his mouth, not even grazing his tongue. Words waving in the air, so bleak you can blow them away with a quick whiff.

Behind Ran, Rindou notices, paying attention to the conversations between you two. Giving him clues of a past his brother deprives him of, only throwing out half assed, cryptic retellings which take out the underlying importance Ran hides.

MY ORDINARY LIFE, tokyorevWhere stories live. Discover now