SPECIAL CHAPTER 1: A Nice White Surprise

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"Oh yeah, I know where that is. I'm heading there right now. Do you two want to come with me?" the guy asked. "Sure. Let me introduce myself first. I'm Touya, Touya Todoroki" I said as I stuck my hand out. "And I'm Ellie Todoroki" she said. "James, James Navarro" James said as the three of us shook hands.

"It's nice to meet you James" I said as Ellie nodded. "It's nice to meet you too" James said. The three of us started to walk towards the Dinosaur Museum.

"Is your friends Keigo Takami and Kanan Matthews by any chance?" James asked. "How'd you know?" I asked. "Well, they work there with my son Tyler and another one of their friends who is a Pro Hero, Hizashi Yamada" James said.

The three of us were talking while we were heading towards the Dinosaur Museum.


The three of us got to the Dino Bite Café and there's no one there except for a few people, most likely workers. "Hey, dad" Tyler greeted. "Hey son" James greeted back.

"Hey Mr Navarro" Shelby greeted. "Hi Shelby" James greeted back. "Who are those two next to you?" Riley asked. "Their names are Touya and Ellie Todoroki" James said. "Have you seen Kanan and Keigo by any chance?" I asked. "Yeah, they're in the kitchen. It looks like they are coming out in a minute" Chase said.

Keigo and Kanan came out of the kitchen. "Hey Touya, little birdie. What are you two doing here?" Keigo said. "Well, I've something important to tell you two so we came here" I said as Ellie agreed. "What is it?" Kanan asked. "Well..." I started to say but something interrupted me.

Keigo got something out that looks like a Dino Com. "Hold on just a minute Touya" he said as he and the others were leaning towards the device and suddenly they were starting to leave.

"Sorry, Touya. But we got something that we need to do right now. We will see you later, ok" Keigo said. "Ok" I said. The others left the Dino Bite Café. Me and Ellie turned around to look at James. "What just happened?" I asked. "There's no need to worry about it. I remembered that I've got to do something real quick. I will be back soon" James said as he left. "Ok" the two of us said.


The two of us were outside at the back of the Dinosaur Museum. When we were looking around the area, the two of us saw an really interesting T-Rex statue. "That's interesting" I said. The two of us decided to climb it to check it really close but I accidentally hit a switch and the two of us fell into it.

When the two of us got to the bottom floor, we were looking around to see that it's some kind of base that we were in. "What is this place?" Ellie questioned. I walked really close to the gap in the wall. My necklace started to glow. I took the Energem out from underneath my shirt and saw it was glowing brightly.

"They are Energems" a stranger said. When the two of us looked back, we were shocked and I pulled Ellie behind me. "Who are you?" I asked. "My name is Keeper, I can assure you that I am quite harmless. Energems harness untold powers of the universe. Long ago, I've entrusted them to Guardian Dinosaurs but when the dinosaurs went extinct, all the Energems were lost" Keeper said.

"Thirteen Energems have been found and now with yours being the Fourteenth Energem, we have all of them" a person next to Keeper said. "Hey Touya, Ellie" James said.

"Kendall and James have been helping me find the rest of the Energems for sometime now" Keeper said. "Keigo and Kanan talked a lot about you two" Kendall said. 

"Ok, that's a little bit too much for me to take in right now so why are you telling me this now?" I questioned. "Because you, Touya Todoroki, are a Power Ranger" Keeper said. "A Power Ranger? I'm sorry but if what you are saying is true then that means that Kanan, Keigo and the others are Power Rangers" I said.

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