Chapter 2

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Anna closes the door behind her of the nurses office seeing Leon. Anna smiles "Leon"

Leon smiles back walking up to her "Anna"

"What are you up too?" Anna yawns

"Just walking around. You ok?" Leon asks in worrisome

"yeah just tired" Anna leans on the door

"Have you slept?"

Anna shakes her head "Not in awhile"

"Non stop huh? Especially since last night"

"Being a doctor's not easy and last night" Anna scoffs "was crazy. I worked all day too"

"Come on" Leon takes her head as they go into the room across to see a bed "get some sleep"

"I'm ok"

"No you look tired" Leon looks into her red light eyes and bags under her eyes

Anna sighs "Maybe I am"

"get some sleep you need to sleep"

"What about you?"

"I'll be ok" Leon leads her to the bed laying her down "Please get some sort of sleep" Anna nods and closes her eyes "I'll be back" Leon walks out

Time skip
Leon walks into a room to see Jason's sweating and looking around out of it on the table. Leon runs up to him "Jason. hey, Jason" Jason jumps at the second call gasping and panting "Want to talk about it?" Jason puts his hand up looking away nervously as Leon looks down for a quick moment before looking slightly up again. They're quiet as Leon walks toward the door shutting it slowly making sure Anna's door doesn't open

"Have a seat" Jason looks down as Leon sits across from Jason "Looked like you were having a nightmare"

"They Call me the hero of Penamstan" Jason looks at Leon like he doesn't deserve it. Leon keeps listening. "some fucking hero" Jason sighs exasperated and takes a deep inhale "Every night, I have the same nightmare, about Penamstan. It's not like Anna where she was in the fucking base. She didn't see what I saw"

"You knew her?"

"That day was her first day" Jason has trouble breathing "Penamastan" Jason closes his eyes before opening them quietly talking "That was hell. Even though Anna didn't see much. It was hell for both of us"

"Yeah I bet" Leon's eyes look down

"you have no idea" Jason looks down

"Look. I can't imagine what it was like for you. But I have been through some shit myself even Anna. Raccoon city"

"They sterilized that place" Jason moves closer "You were there?"

"Yeah we were. I was just a rookie cop late as hell on his first day. And I found Anna Lying in the middle of the street passed out. Honestly She's the reason I'm still alive. There were zombies everywhere. I remember...People screaming" He turns his eyes "moaning. They'd get bit, and then they'd turn. It was terrifying" Leon pauses for a moment "there's no way to describe it except..."


Leon leans back "Yeah. The government wiped the city off the map and covered it all up"

"Sure. They didn't want it to spread. You destroy a city to save the country" He shrugs "That's a tough call, but someone's gotta make it"

Leon starts to get angry "There were people alive in there. There were families alive in there And they didn't even try to get them out. So, tough call my ass!" Leon gets up

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