etrouver son chemin (c. sturniolo)

Start from the beginning

"i just feel like once people knew we had crushes on each other, they sort of like forced us to date, and maybe we ignored it at the beginning but it's just impossible to ignore now." she muttered, ranting about how she had been feeling for sometime, watching as chris nodded, agreeing with everything she expressed.

"yeah we were kind of just pushed together, it's like our feelings didn't really have time to develop."

"exactly. so that's why i think it's best that we just remain friends. i mean we're only sixteen, it's not like we have to settle down."

"yeah exactly! i'm glad we're on the same page." chris smiled, feeling a weight lift off his chest as he hugged her, the girl bidding him goodbye and heading downstairs to hangout with nick.

after that, y/n and chris still remained closer than ever, realizing that maybe being in relationship wasn't what was meant for them. so as a friend, she stayed by his side, supporting every move in his and his brothers' careers, still holding the title as their biggest fan.

but after awhile, after moving to los angeles with the triplets, y/n noticed that her feelings for chris were slowly resurfacing.


y/n laughed loudly as chris dramatically fell to his knees, yelling out some pitiful whine as nick took the win in mario party, laughing at his brothers who both took their losses rather poorly.

"that's what you get for being cocky, you dumbfuck!" nick boasted, flipping chris off who was now laying on the ground pouting.

"alright i'm heading to bed because i'm fucking tired and i've got a lot of shit to edit tomorrow. goodnight everyone." nick spoke, waving to his brothers and y/n, who smiled and waved back as he walked up the stairs to his room. matt soon followed suit, muttering a soft goodnight, flicking off the living room and kitchen lights in his out.

"wanna watch the conjuring?" chris smirked, the conjuring series slowly becoming his and y/n's favourite series to watch together any time they were left alone. y/n nodded and meekly smiled, the idea of being cuddled up to her best friend suddenly firing off warning signs in her head.

ignoring them, she got up, and grabbed herself and chris a few drinks along with some snacks and softly tossed the armful of movie night essentials onto the couch between where she sat, and where chris going to sit. hoping that the pile of snacks and drinks would act as a wall between the two, forcing them to stay apart.

it was well after midnight as the second movie played through, and the barrier grew smaller and smaller until chris was resting his head on her shoulder, his hand resting against her thigh while she kept hers from shaking in her pocket. she didn't understand why her feelings were so much more intense this time around and she couldn't stop herself from blurting out the question weighing like venom on her tongue.

"have you ever considered giving, you know, us, another shot?" she mumbled, suddenly feeling small as chris chuckled slightly, shaking his head as he turned to her.

"can i be honest?" chris hummed, pausing the movie as he turned to face her, the look on his face instilling some sort of desperate hope inside her chest. as she nodded, he continued.

"not really. i mean we've tried it, it didn't work, so why go back there?" the boy spoke, turning back to the tv as she felt her heart fall to pieces.

"i mean we were only sixteen chris."

"so? you can't seriously tell me you've been thinking about giving us another shot? i mean we agreed that it didn't work!" he laughed, his face falling as he noticed the hurt look on her face.

"y/n i'm sorry." he whispered, realizing that she wasn't feeling the same things he was.

"no i shouldn't have said anything, you're right, we tried and it didn't work, there's no use in trying again. anyway, i should go to bed, i've gotta register for my classes tomorrow." she muttered, not saving room for chris to respond as she quickly grabbed her phone and retreated to her room, leaving the boy alone and upset, wondering if maybe he should've been completely honest with her.

he had considered giving "them" another shot, he wanted to but he was so scared of it turning out the way it did the first time and he didn't know if he could lose her like that again. it was about a year after they broke up when he realized his feelings never went away.

a few days passed and the two had barely said a word to each other, leaving nick and matt severely confused but if they had learned anything from forcing chris and y/n together, it was that they needed time to come to grips with things on their own. and so the two older triplets let the youngest one and his best friend be.

it was about two in the morning when y/n found herself walking down to chris' room, dead set on talking to him and finding out where his head was at. but as she reached his door, with her hand on the knob she felt all the confidence and determination she previously held suddenly dissipate into nothing but worry and fear.

"what the fuck am i doing?" she muttered to herself, dropping her hand from the doorknob, turning back toward the stairs, and climbing them quickly. what she didn't know was that chris was on the other side, in the same state she was and had heard her at his door. without hesitating, he sent her a text.

y/n was about to open her door when her phone lit up in her hand with a few notifications from chris.

i miss you and i wanna give us another shot.
come back

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.

author's note pt 36382627: y'all can interpret how this one ends!!!

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