Spicy Shenanigans

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Lunchtime brought a welcomed break from the busy day at the Azur Lane base. I-13 and Commander Alex found themselves at a quaint little shop nestled in a private corner of the harbor, the scent of freshly cooked ramen wafting through the air. The atmosphere was cozy and secluded, a far cry from the formal events and bustling activities that defined their daily lives.

Sitting across from each other at a small table, I-13 and Commander Alex engaged in easy conversation, their laughter blending with the soothing sounds of the harbor. As they delved into their meals, I-13's gaze shifted to a small bottle of hot sauce on the edge of the table. A mischievous glint lit up her eyes as an idea formed in her mind.

With a quick and subtle motion, I-13 reached for the hot sauce and attempted to discreetly add a drop or two into Commander Alex's ramen. She stifled a giggle, her heart racing with the anticipation of the prank.

Commander Alex, however, was no stranger to the ways of the sea and the subtle maneuvers that took place both above and below the surface. He caught the slight movement out of the corner of his eye and, with a playful twinkle in his own eyes, decided to play along.

As their hands moved under the table, the bottles of hot sauce exchanged places—his ramen now had the spicy addition, while I-13's remained untouched.

I-13 watched with a satisfied grin as Commander Alex took a confident spoonful of his ramen, only to pause mid-bite. His expression shifted from one of calm to mild surprise, and then to something that could only be described as amused realization.

He exchanged a knowing look with I-13, a silent acknowledgement that their playful antics hadn't gone unnoticed. And then, as if nothing had happened, he continued to eat his ramen, maintaining an air of complete composure.

But as they finished their meal and prepared to return to the office, I-13 soon realized that her playful attempt at mischief had unforeseen consequences.

As they walked down the hallway, I-13's footsteps seemed to echo louder than usual, a strange mixture of excitement and apprehension filling the air. She cleared her throat, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity. "Commander, did you enjoy your ramen?"

Commander Alex turned to her with a knowing smile, his eyes twinkling with a subtle mischief of their own. "Oh, I did," he replied casually. "It had a certain kick to it."

I-13's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and realization dawning upon her. Her playful attempt had been outwitted by a commander who was more observant than she had anticipated.

As they stepped back into the office, I-13 couldn't help but chuckle at the turn of events. It seemed that even amidst the serious responsibilities and missions, there was room for lighthearted moments that reminded them of their shared humanity.

As she settled back into her role as temporary secretary, I-13 felt a sense of camaraderie and connection with Commander Alex that extended beyond the tasks and paperwork. The subtle dance of pranks and knowing looks served as a reminder that amidst the depths of duty, there were still tides of laughter and bonds formed through shared experiences.

And as I-13 returned to her desk, glancing at the commander with a mixture of amusement and appreciation, she realized that perhaps being watched over by an observant eye wasn't such a bad thing after all.

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