Chapter 13 - Week 12

Start from the beginning

"Honestly Draco... Hermione was just hospitalized just last week, and this is her first time seeing her doctor, who came to treat her last week, since she's been dismissed... It's basic knowledge that the doctor would ask about how she's been this past week"

"But that doesn't explain why WE had to leave"

"Doctor-patient confidentiality" Hermione answered "she wanted to ask me personal questions and offer personal assistance that I may not have been comfortable with sharing in front of anyone else"

"WOULD you have been uncomfortable?" Draco asked

Hermione shook her head "No... not with you two. However, it's just basic courtesy to have personal questions to be spoken and answered between just the patient and doctor... she was just following basic protocol"

"I see... that makes sense"

"If it bothers you so much, I can tell you what we talked about" Hermione offered

"We wouldn't want to impose" Astoria stated

"It's no imposition at all" Hermione replied "all she did was ask me how I was doing personally... I told her how all of you guys have offered me places to stay whenever I want, then she called Ron a Weasel"

Draco smirked "I ever tell you how much I like Dr. Cruise? OW!!!"

Both women slapped both of his shoulders


"Hello Hermione"

Hermione turned to see the always-smiling blonde holding the hands of her two twins "Luna! What are you doing here?" Hermione asked

"Oh, I promised the boys that if they were good for their father, then I would bring them to Flourish and Botts to pick out a book of their choice"

"How old are they now?" Hermione asked as she readjusted the books in her own arms

"They both turn five next week"

"Wow, already?" Hermione looked to the boys before starting to crouch down

"No! Hermione, stop"

Hermione looked confused at the blonde

Luna crouched down and gathered both boys, one on each side, before standing to have them both sitting on her hips "You're pregnant Hermione... you have to be careful of how you bend over and crouch... boys, do we know why?"

"Because dee Cwabgiz will attack?" Lorcan asked

"That's right. And why don't we want the Crabgrits to attack?"

"Because dey can hurt dee baby" Lysander answered

"Good job"

"But Momma... dee Cwabgiz isn't hewe" Lysander said

"Dats because dey jump up fwom dee gwound and into dee bewwy button when dee mommy is woe enough" Lorcan answered

"Oh yeah... dey're hiding, aren't dey?"

"Don't worry Auntie Mione... weew pwotect dee baby"

"Oh, um... thank you?" Hermione questioned

"Boys, why don't you two go look in the animal section while Hermione and I sit over there to talk?" Luna suggested as she set them down

"Okay!" the twins replied together before running off to the directed stacks

"Gosh, five years old... can they read yet?" Hermione asked as she took a seat

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