"Hey, is Octavio Silva a patient here?" I asked her.

  She clicked away on her computer, "It looks like he was admitted into the ICU a few hours ago. Once he was stabilized, he was checked in to stay overnight."

ICU?! What the hell happened?

  "What room is he in?"

  "Sorry, I can't provide that information. You aren't family and it's after visiting hours." She answered.

  "Please, he's one of my mom's patients and I really need to see him." I was getting really worried.

  She sighed and picked up the phone, putting it to her ear before dialing a number. "Hey your daughter is here, is it okay to send her up to Mr. Silva's room?"

  "Mhm. Okay, my mistake. I'll send her up now." She said before hanging up.

  She pulled something out of her desk drawer and began scribbling something down with a pen. "He is on the third floor in room 302." She then handed me a visitor's badge, "If anyone stops you just tell them to talk to me."

  I took the badge and pinned it onto my shirt. "Thank you so much." I smiled and gave her a quick wave before making my way to the elevator.


  I found the room and knocked on the door, it was quickly pulled open and I was greeted by my mom. She let me in and closed the door behind me. I walked over to see Octavio completely unconscious and hooked up to an IV. I rushed to his side and pulled up one of the chairs to sit beside him. My heart sank as I watched him lay completely still. His chest would move slowly up and down to indicate he's still breathing but...that was all. There was no sign of the energetic Octavio I knew.

  "What happened...?" I looked at my mom who held a clipboard to her chest then looked back to Octavio.

  "A couple of his friends, Ajay and Elliott brought him in earlier. He passed out during the games due to his stim." She explained.

  "His stim? How could that even happen? He uses it all the time!" Keep calm, Y/N.

  "His vitals were weak when he was brought in and Ajay was smart enough to keep a sample of the stim he was using since she noticed him getting dizzy when he used it. It's currently being tested but we believe it might have been spiked with some sort of toxin to sedate him."

  "But I don't understand...these legends kill each other for money and they're fine shortly afterwards. Why would some stupid toxin put him in this state?" I questioned, I've watched the games for years and understood the legends were never actually hurt. This didn't make any sense.

  "As much as I disagree with the idea of the games, I know they don't actually die because of how the games are programmed and the advanced technology that is used. This toxin wasn't a part of the games, it was brought from outside which means it's not a part of the program." My mom explained.

  "So since it's not part of it, it hurt him for real..." I finished for her. She nodded to confirm the conclusion I had arrived at. I looked back over to him. He looked so peaceful, not like the Octavio I knew who would constantly be bouncing off the walls. "What are you guys going to do?"

"He's currently hooked up to an IV to flush the toxins out of his system. We can't get any fluids into him orally or we'd risk him choking so we're doing it this way. Thankfully, the toxin doesn't seem lethal so once it's out of his system, he should wake up."

But how long would that take...?

  My mom noticed I wasn't saying anything and walked over to put her hand on my shoulder. We haven't been close lately but having her here was the comfort I needed at the moment. "I need to go check in on other patients but let me know if you need anything, okay?" She told me as she approached the door to leave. She looked back at me for a moment, "Hey, make sure to talk to him. He may not be able to respond but...coma patients are still able to hear the things going on around them." She then left, leaving the two of us alone.

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