Forgotten Nightmares

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*Swear warning also Sexism and Homophobia. Do not direct this language at anyone else including one's self. Everyone deserves to feel valid and respected*

I awoke to a pain in my head, my body was hung from a wall with my wrists and ankles chained to it. I was in a forest with the barks of the trees being white with black spots or as Luz calls them, a 'Birch' forest of some sort with every tree holding some sort of picture but I was too disorientated to see what they pictured. I was wearing my beige wolf t-shirt and brown flannel sweatpants that I bought from the human realm with Luz, Vee and Camila a week before and when my vision had eventually cleared a little I could see three figures standing over me, their presence towering over mine. "You were right Philip, this boy is as weak as you said he is," a woman's voice rang in my head.

Wait a moment, there's only one person I know with that name...

"I'd dare to say he's more pathetic than my dearest flower."

I tilted my head upwards with the bell in my head still chiming as if there were an emergency and it was altering everyone to run and hide, but I however could not hide from this. For whome I saw was a figure a hoped to Titan I would never see again. It was bright, so bright I had to squint to see his cold expression peering down at me as if I had disappointed him. If he were to do this to me a couple months back, I would have bowed my head to the ground. However, this child is blind no more. "B-Belos?" I groaned with the pain still stinging. "Oh look, it speaks," said a man looking almost as old as Belos but with shorter, greyer hair and a triangular purple hat a top his head with a piece of red fabric coming from it and he was dressed in a deep purple rope thats covered his entire body; he almost seemed as if not scarrier than Belos if I didn't know what he had done to so many people.

It can't be, he's dead, Luz, King, Eda,Raine, they killed him! He's supposed to be dead! HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!!!

"H-how? W-w-where am I?" I stuttered still tired from waking up.

"Don't mumble dear! Speak up!" the woman cackled. She had hair as black as night with streaks of gray throughout it. It coiled and reached down below her shoulders and halfway down her back. She was clothed with a red velvet dress with black shoes and a black cape draping over her. "Who are you? Where am I? Where are my friends? What did you do with them?"

"Calm yourself, we have not harmed your little 'friends', well atleast not yet," the woman chuckled. "I am Mother Gothel and this here is er, what's your name again?"

"My name is Judge Claude Frollo, Gothel," he spat.

"What do you want from the Demon Realm? What, have you come to destroy the Demon Realm along with Belos?" I questioned which made Gothel laugh.

"Oh, child. What makes you think it's the Demon Realm I want?"

"Well, some of us want to see it burn to ashes," Frollo grunted again.

"Yes well, I've never cared for the supernatural and strange, unless it can get me what I want."

"Well, what is it you want?" I asked.

"Ha! Do you really think I'd tell you? Amateur move boy, I'm not one of those rookie villians that makes all the stupid mistakes," she chuckled again.

"Well you certainly act like one," he gritted through his teeth.

"Enough, we need to work together if we want to accomplish anything, plus your constant bickering is getting on my nerves," Belos said some feet away from me, I hadn't even noticed he had wandered off. Then I began to notice what one of the many trees was holding. It was a picture the first time I had met Luz with my mask off, her hand reaching out to me. Another depicted the time where Gus had grounded me when I was having one of my various panic attacks when Belos was hunting for my head. And another picture depicted the time me and Amity fought back in Eclipse Lake.

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