Ch. 2

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================== Jae-He ==================

I sat back in my room, the soft glow of the evening sun filtering through the curtains and casting a warm ambiance over the space.  I closed my eyes and let out a slow, deep breath. Being and idol sure isn't easy, especially while going to school. I opened my eyes and let them wander over the room once again. With a sigh, I got up and walked over to my desk, picking up a pen and a notebook. Lyrics began to flow from my thoughts onto the paper, a reflection of the emotions that had built up throughout the day. At some point I looked up, my eyes landing on the figure of someone standing in the door frame. 

"Jesus man... say something if your there" How long has he been standing there? For a moment, neither of us spoke, the silence felt heavy.

He stepped further into the room, Zalans's expression inscrutable. "Working on a new song?"

"If you know why are you asking?"

"You know..." He started as he leaned against my desk "you can't keep ignoring me forever."

It was infuriating – the way he acted as if he had done no wrong, as if the choices he made hadn't shattered the trust that had once existed between us. Who is he to tell me that I cant ignore him?

"I can sure as damn try"

"Jae... how long are you going to keep this up?"

"as long as I have to" I turned my attention back to my work, a silent dismissal that I hoped would drive him away. The hell I look like giving him my time of day.

Zalan's sudden movement caught me off guard, his fingers wrapping around my chin and gently forcing me to look at him. 

"Jae-he," he said, his voice tinged with a mixture of urgency and determination. "You can't keep avoiding me like this. I told you, I'm sorry about that stupid prank."

"Then why did you do it... what it amusing to play with my feeling like that?" Before I knew it I was going off on a rant. A wave of frustration that I've held back for months came over me. Zalan's gaze doesn't waver, his eyes locked onto mine as he absorbs my words.

The torrent of emotions that had spilled from my lips was abruptly cut short as Zalan's lips met mine. The shock of the sudden kiss left me momentarily speechless. It felt like time stopped for a while. Zalan's hands moved gently, almost tentatively, to cradle my face. His touch was tender, the warmth of his touch sent a shiver down my spine, a mingling of sensations that left me feeling vulnerable.

"Zalan please..." I said putting space between us. "We don't have that kind of relationship... not anymore"

"Just one last time" he said tracing his fingers up the back of my neck.

 One last time.... that wouldn't hurt... right?

Before I could even answer His hands caressed my thigh before wandered up under my shorts and onto my ass. I moaned as he squeezed it, making sure he had a firm grip on me before picking me up right out of the chair.

"Woah, a warning would be nice"

My arms instinctively wound around his neck, drawing myself closer to him as our bodies pressed together. As he set me down on the edge of the bed, the tension between us was palpable. His fingers trailed along my waist, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. I leaned into his caress.

Clothes felt like a barrier in our way, Zalan must have thought that too because he was tugging at my short, pulling them off quickly.

"Mhhhn~ easy will you."

He left kiss marks on my body  all over my body.

"Do you have a condom or lubricant?" 

"umm... I don't have any comdoms, but  have oil in that draw over there." I knew Zalan was serious about protection during sex. is he going to stop if we don't use any?

"That's okay" he said reaching for the nightstand. "We just wont go all the way this time."

A mischievous smile formed across his face, as he poured a decent amount of oil in his hands. 

He whispered in my ear "Just relax" He kissed my neck as he rubbed our cocks together. 

I haven't been touched like since we stopped seeing each other, and idol like me cant just go around fucking whoever they liked. 

"Mmn... Zalan~" I couldn't help but moan his name in pleasure. "touch me more" my words breathy as I whispered in his ear. I could feel how hard he was, rubbing against me. He put his lips against mine kissing me as his movement became faster.

"Are you close?"

I asked between breaths. I could tell that he was close. his body began to tense up and his grip on my thigh became even tighter. 


He wrapped his arms around his neck, holding onto him tightly while moaning into his ear.



 I hear him say before a warm substance spilled out , him cuming on my belly. Our breaths gradually slowed, our bodies pressed close together. 

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