Dr. Everything'll be alright
Make everything go wrong

The lights dimmed as drapes dropped over Meena then rised up. Meena was now dressed as Alice.

Yeah yeah, let's go

The audience clapped and cheered but then the fanfare played as the door at the end of the hall opened revealing a bear dressed the Queen of Hearts and a familiar (h/c) haired and (e/c) eyed woman dressed as the princess holding a fan in front of her face.

The audience clapped and cheered but then the fanfare played as the door at the end of the hall opened revealing a bear dressed the Queen of Hearts and a familiar (h/c) haired and (e/c) eyed woman dressed as the princess holding a fan in front of ...

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"What's going on?", Alice asked.
"No time to explain. Run away!", Mad Hatter said as he grabbed her hand and dragged her away.
The cast ran to the back stage. Sammy laughed as he bumped into Buster.
"Hey, Sammy. You really got those moves locked down now, huh?"
"I sure do, Mr. Moon."
"Yeah, look at you!", he laughed as Sammy ran up the stairs to dressing rooms, "Great job, everybody. Great job."
"Thanks, Mr. Moon.", Johnny took off his hat.
"Yeah, I think we pretty much nailed it.", Gunter cheered.
"So, is she here?", Rosita asked.
Buster nodded and gestured to the curtains. He opened it a little, "There. See the dog? Middle, third row?"
In the middle, third row, was a dog with shoulder long red hair and round glasses.
"Oh. She's younger than I imagined." Rosita said.
"Yeah, well, supposedly, she's the best scout in show business."
"I can't tell if she's enjoying it.", Meena doubted.
"Come on. Let's get a better view."
They ran to the back and jumped on a platform as Buster pulled the lever so it went up.

He told me, "Don't worry about it"

On the stage, the three rabbits sang in front of the queen and princess

He told me, "Don't worry no more"
We both know we can't go without it

The platform once up, they ran to Miss Crawly who watched the scout with a spyglass.
"And how are we doing up here, Miss Crawly?", Buster asked.
"Oh, very good, Mr. Moon. So far, I counted nine smiles, two belly laughs and five chuckles. Though the last one could have just been gas."
"Well, that's proof, right? She must like the show."
"Oh, my gosh. You think so?", Meena wondered.
"I hope so.", Rosita wished.
"All right. Keep up the good work. Come on, everybody. Back to your positions.", Buster ordered.
The cast ran back to the platform.
"She'd be, like, cuckoo not to love the show.", Gunter said.

They went back down. Once down, Johnny looked at (Y/N) on stage and crawled behind the fake bushes towards her. Slowly, he placed a note under her hand. Still in her role, (Y/N) brought the paper behind the fan and read it.

Date after the show?

For the corner of her eye, she saw him. She smiled behind her fan and winked at him.

You see, since the reopening of the theatre, (Y/N) and Johnny are together now. It took a while for (Y/N) since she was still in process for what happened in her past but now she was cured. And all thanks to Johnny.

Back upstairs, Buster and Miss Crawly continued spying the scout.
"Dream big dreams. That's what I always said, right?", Buster sighed happily.
"Mm-hmm.", Miss Crawly agreed still looking through the spyglass.
"Well, looks like we're about to take this show to the entertainment capital of the world."
Suddenly Miss Crawly panicked, "Mr. Moon, she's leaving."
"Huh?", he took the spyglass.
"She's leaving the show!"
He watched how the scout went out the row and walked towards the exit.
He gasped, "Miss Crawly, stay right here.", he jumped on the railing
"What are you gonna do?"
"I'm gonna follow that dog.", he grabbed the handle of a lamp as it zips through a hole just under the audience.

I can't feel my face when I'm with you
I can't feel my face, yeah
But I love it

He let go as he lands next to Nana Noodleman in the royal box.
"Good heavens!", she exclaimed.
"Hey, Nana."
"What are you doing?"
"The scout is leaving."
They looked down as the scouts just reached the door.
"Ah. So she is. Hurry!", she gestured to Buster to follow the scout.

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