Chapter 2

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I felt someone grab the back of my shirt and pull me into the bathroom.

"What the fuck?" I asked as I pulled away.

I turned around to see Christian standing in front of me.

"I already talked to your fucking freak ass friends, but you can come to my house tonight if you want. And this isn't out of the kindness of my heart at all, so don't think we're fucking friends. Ari said something about wanting to be with you losers since she hasn't seen you in a while, I don't know I stopped paying attention when she mentioned your name." He said.

"Okay." Was all I said.

"And you're not sleeping over either." He said.

"That's fine." I answered.

He looked me up and down before leaving the bathroom. I never even attempted to talk back to him when he tried to intimidate me. I was a good 5'7, and he was a good 6'3. Not to mention he was the starting quarterback of our school so he was pretty muscular as well. I knew he could beat the shit out of me if he wanted to. The only thing stopping him was Ariana.

I walked out of the bathroom and went to my biology class. Adrienne was already sitting down at our table. I smiled at her.

"Bucky, come here!" Ariana said.

I looked at my best friend and nodded. I walked over to her table.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Did Christian talk to you about tonight?" She asked.

"He sure did." I said.

"Well are you coming?" Ariana asked.

"If the boys are." I said.

"Okay, you know Hayes is going. And I'm sure Atticus and Cullen will be there. It'll be the first time they'll ever be in a room full of women besides band camp and school, so they should be very excited to attend." Ariana said.

"Yeah, I guess they will be." I said.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" She asked.

I sighed.

"You know I hate your boyfriend, right?" I asked.

"Okay, go away." She said.

"Oh now you want me to go away." I said.

"Hold on. Come over before the party and help me pick my outfit?" She asked.

"Is your mom picking me up from school?" I asked.

"Duh." Ariana answered.

"Then duh." I said back.

Ari smiled and pushed my head away. I turned around and walked to my lab table. I put my bag down and sat beside Adrienne.

"So...that's Ariana?" Adrienne asked.

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot you've never seen her before." I said.

"She's really pretty." She said.

I hummed and grabbed my binder from my book bag.

"Are you going to Christian's tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah, the whole dance team got invited. Are you going?" She said.

"Just got invited." I said giving her a fake smile.

"I thought he hated you." She said.

"He does. Ariana requested that her best friends get invitations." I said.

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