Day 1

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Day 1

When Chaeyoung woke up early the next morning she regretted going out with Dahyun during the week. She was tired and couldn't afford that shit called sleep deprivation. Although, leaning back into her luscious pillows, Chaeyoung allowed herself to think about the special someone she had met last night. After initially being paralyzed by Mina's beauty, Chaeyoung had regained control and finally scored by getting the brunette's number. The artist grinned to herself and unplugged her phone from the charger to check on her various social media accounts. After a couple of minutes though Chaeyoung began contemplating whether it was too early to contact Mina already. She had no time to waste, but she needed to act cool to woo this woman she knew next to nothing about. Chaeyoung sighed and tapped on her messenger app.

Now, what do I write? She mused while typing out words. I think that you have a little bit of witch in you, cause you've bewitched me. Chaeyoung immediately deleted the words again. No, no. That's lame. How about... You must be tired; you've been running through my mind all night. Chaeyoung erased those words as well.

"Less cheese more conviction Son", she whispered to herself. After two more attempts, which she also discarded, she settled on a short but direct approach. Chaeyoung hit send and headed to the shower. She had an important visitor at the gallery today. Not one of those 'could change your whole life' important visits, but nevertheless significant for her immediate future as an artist. One very loyal buyer of her boss Park Roseanne, the owner of the gallery she worked for as an exhibition manager, had promised to stop by. If she could manage to get her paintings in the best light possible, they might get sold.

Without further delay Chaeyoung managed to get ready. She rigged her coffee-to-go-cup, pocketed her mobile and was through the door to tackle the 5 blocks to her workplace.


On the other side of Seoul, Mina was already up and busy on her treadmill when her phone chimed and lit up with a new message. She tumbled over her legs at the intrusion. "Damnit!" The brunette exclaimed angrily, snatching the device from her couch. She hated being interrupted during her morning routine.

Unknown Number (8:26): Let's be honest. I know you like me and I know I like you. What are we going to do about it? C

Within a second though, her anger was forgotten and a big grin had formed on her lips, when she'd read the new message.

"What has your panties in a twist this morning?" Jihyo dressed in a towel and sporting a turban to keep her wet hair at bay, said, as she stepped into their shared living area holding up a cup of coffee while blowing on it to cool it down.

"Nothing." was the short answer from her flat mate.

"Doesn't look like nothing. Did you get a message from Blondie?" Jihyo poked Mina in the ribs to nab the phone out of her sweaty hands.

"Give it back. That's none of your business!" Mina howled, pushing to reach her phone, which Jihyo held high above the other girl's head to read the message.

"Know what? Anything is my business if it concerns you, like it or not. Are you going to answer it?"

"Of course. I would have replied already if I hadn't been forced to tackle you in order to get my phone back." Mina replied sarcastically.

"So you're only eager to respond because of the bet?" Jihyo handed the cell back to its rightful owner and flopped down on the couch watching her friend.

"Yes and my chance at a career. Why else would I do it?"

"Your smile betrays you." Jihyo shrugged and took a sip of her coffee. Mina blushed slightly at the notion but didn't indulge her in a continuative conversation. The journalist juggled with her phone, thinking about her reply.

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