❥ Chapter 22 ❥

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~ Jin ~

Jin was hanging out in Namjoon's dorm. Namjoon was watching a movie on the couch next to him. Jin really liked the movie but Namjoon didn't seem to be paying attention. He looked distracted. He looked really anxious which was weird because they were watching a comedy movie, not a horror.

Jin~"Joonie, are you ok?"

Namjoon~"Oh, um yeah. I'm fine."

Jin~"Are you sure because you really don't look fine."

Namjoon~"Yes I'm fine!"

Jin~"Ok then."

Then there was a knock at the door.

Jin~"Are you expecting someone?"

Namjoon~"Um, kinda. I'm gonna go answer it."

Namjoon went to the door and opened it. The creepy waiter from the cafe was there.

Jiseok~"Hey, Joon. Hey, cutie~"

Jiseok winked at Jin. Jin shuddered in disgust.

Jin~"Why were you expecting this creep?"

Namjoon~"Well, I..."

Jiseok~"You're mine, that's why."

Jin~"What, no I'm not! I'm Namjoon's! Tell him, baby!"



Namjoon~"I'm sorry."

Jin~"Why? I'm so confused!"

Jiseok grabbed Jin's wrist.

Jiseok~"He's giving you to me, dipshit!"

Jin~"You're breaking up with me? You don't want me anymore?"

Namjoon~"I'm sorry Jin, I didn't have a choice."

Jin~"Joonie I don't know what I did but I'm sorry! Please don't leave me with this creep! Please just take me back, we can talk through this!"

Namjoon~"Jin, I really want you-"

Jiseok~"His decision has already been made! Let's go, sweetheart."

Jiseok dragged Jin to the door.

Jin~"No! Leave me alone! Let go of me! Namjoon, please help me!"

A tear fell onto Namjoon's face as he watched Jiseok drag Jin out of the apartment and slam the door behind him. Jiseok pushed Jin onto a car and drove him to a big house.

Jin~"Where have you taken me?"

Jiseok~"Your new home for the rest of your life! I bought this house for us to live in and raise our children in!"


Jiseok~"Yes! We're gonna have so many children!"

Jin~"No! I don't want to have sex with you!"

Jiseok~"Oh trust me,"

Jiseok grabbed the collar of Jim's shirt and pulled Jin closer to him.

Jiseok~"You will."

Then Jiseok dragged Jin into the house and into a big bedroom.

Jiseok~"This is our bedroom from now on. Get comfortable, I'll be right back."

Jiseok walked away.


Jiseok walked out of the room and into the basement bathroom. Jungwon had been bothering him all day.

Jiseok~"Leave me alone, Jungwon!"

A voice in Jiseok's head spoke back.

Jungwon~"No! Leave Jin alone, he didn't do anything to you or me! He's innocent!"

Jiseok~"Heh, yeah not for long."

Jungwon~"What do you mean by that?"

Jiseok~"Well let's just say that I plan to have a pretty fun night with little mister flamboyant."

Jungwon~"No! Please just leave him alone and apologize!"

Jiseok~"Never! It's his fault I'm doing this!"

Jungwon~"What did that poor man do!? Look like Jericho!? That's not his fault!"

Jiseok~"You leave her name out of your mouth!"

Jungwon~"Jericho is the only reason that you exist! She's the only reason that I'm not the one in control! I moved on but you didn't! Just let her go!"


Jungwon~"She's dead, just accept it!"


Jiseok fell to his knees and sobbed.


Then Jiseok blinked and Jungwon was in control again.

Jungwon~"Y'know, for such an evil guy you really aren't hard to break."

Jiseok~"No! Let me control again! Let me out of your stupid head!"

Jungwon~"Never! Now I'm going to let Jin go and apologize to Namjoon and I'm gonna get rid of you once and for all."


Jiseok focused all of his energy on being in control again. Eventually, he regained control.

Jiseok~"I won't let you ruin my plans!"


Jiseok splashed his face with water, dried it, and went back up stairs to Jin.

Behind The Scenes ~Taekook and Namjin~Where stories live. Discover now