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My name is Na Miran. My older brother's name is Na Jaemin. My older sister's name is Na Hana.

We are the only three children of our loving parents.

I am currently a freshman at Seoul High School, where both of my siblings graduated from.

And already on my first day, I can tell this place is going to be Hell on Earth.

"Good morning, class." Teacher Park, the English teacher, smiles as he walks in. We bow before sitting back down. "Are we ready to start today?"

(*Teacher is how students refer to their teacher, instead of saying Mr. or Mrs./Ms.)

"Yes!" we all respond in unison.

"Okay. Good. Let's start with roll so I can learn your names." he opens his book and clears his throat. As he calls the students' names, they respond and joke around with their names, earning laughs even from Teacher. "Na Miran?"

"Here!" I raise my hand and Teacher nods.

"Are you going to say your name in Ranmi?" he asks, poking fun at the boy who flipped his name before mine.

"No, sir. I like my name as it is."

"Good. Carrying on." Teacher keeps going down the list. "Song Mingi?" when no one responds, Teacher looks up. "No Song Mingi?" the students look around trying to find their lost classmate. "Uhm, Yoon Stephen?" the door slams open, causing everyone to jump.

"It's Keeho." a boy with a loose tie says. He steps in and a taller boy is behind him. Teacher nods and writes something down on his paper before turning to the taller male.

"Song Mingi." Teacher writes something else down.

"You two can pick your seats either behind or in front of Miran." Teacher uses his entire hand to point them in my direction.

"Who's Miran?" Mingi asks.

"Miran, raise your hand." I raise my hand and both boys look at me. I slowly lower it then they start moving to the desks around me. Mingi sits behind me and Keeho sits in front of me. "Are we all settled?" neither boy answers Teacher. Mingi leans back in his chair and his head rests on the front of my desk.

"Excuse me?" I tap on his shoulder and the eraser of my pencil. He looks back and then ignores me. "Excuse me, could you move your head?" he huffs and sits up, rather dramatically, then flops over his own desk, creating an insane amount of noise. The boy behind me snickers as Mingi sighs loudly every minute or so during the lesson.

Finally, Teacher gets fed up and slams his book shut.

"Is there a problem, Mingi?" Teacher asks. Mingi sits up and acts like he didn't do anything.

"No, sir. There's no problem." I can't see his face, but I can tell Mingi's smiling. Keeho laughs as Teacher resumes his lesson.

"So the basics to the English language are-"

"Teacher!" Now it's Keeho's turn to disrupt the class. I swear, if we were in a cartoon right now, I would be able to see Teacher's face getting red with smoke coming out of his ears.

"Yes, Keeho?" Teacher asks through gritted teeth.

"How did you learn English?" Teacher slams his book shut again and Mingi's shoulders shake.

"Is something funny, Mingi?" the male in front of me sits up straight.

"N-No, sir." he tries to hide his laughter but fails.

"Okay. From now on, Mingi and Keeho are forbidden from speaking." Teacher seems satisfied with himself and continues the lesson. But it isn't long before the two boys find a way around their punishment.

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