James grumbled and sat back as Arthur chuckled. Jonas cast a thank ful look to the woman who was protecting him against these wizards.

The ship sailed into the sea on board with Violet, Jonas, Mac, Zhang, Dj, Jaxx, Morris and Wall. Jonas changed into a see diving suit as he came to boats end were Mac handed him a tanqilizer, "Its a tracker fired at a hundred foot range." Mac said.

Jonas looked at him like he is mad, "100 feet!!?"

"Oh well why 100 feet? Fire it when you are already his stomach!!" Bellatrix said sarcastically.

"You get really close before you shoot!" Mac said skeptically as Jonas takes the gun. "Alright!"

"If you want me to dodge the skate, I will." Mac said as Jonas replied-"I got this Mike." "Yeah good, cause I was lying. (Pats his back) be safe."

"Thanks Mac." Jonas said sarcastically.

As he was about to jump, he turned to Violet and said-"I hope you are right about this." Violet looks at him unsure but confident at her tactics, "Me too."

Jonas jumps into the water swimming away as Violet chews on her finger nails.

"Well I don't." Sirius said lowly. "Really Siri!!?" Violet said exaggerated.

"Come one he kissed you!!" "And I kissed back if you didn't notice!!" "Doesn't matter!"

Violet just huffed and sat back. Remus sent her a look as she tried to contain her smile. "Okay what?"

"Nothing just, this was your second kiss right? You didn't tell me about anyone other than your first kiss so I presume you haven't kissed anyone else yet." Remus said.

Violet smiled and said-"Like you say, we share everything then I do tell you everything so yes you are right."

"Your first kiss was sure as hell a shock for me." He said recalling the memory as Violet turned red.

As everyone held in their breaths, Violet watched intently as Jonas came up the sea line and cursed. He began to swim away from the boat. "I'm proceeding. How do you perceive I kill a shark."

Mac-"I got you Jonas."

Violet-"Sharks contrict into panick motion, so keep it slow and smooth." She tells him through the ear piece.

After a bit of a swim, he sees through the waves to see the Meg at a distance. "It's gonna be fine." Jonas says to himself.

As he swims a bit more close to it.

"Man I gotta give him, he got some daring!!" Rudolphus said as he looked baffled that the man swam so close to a creature like him.

Violet was inwardly praying that no one gets injured or die, especially that mad man Jonas.

The Meg was really close now. Looking at around to see the distance and if he should fire. He takes out the gun and aims for its fin. And then fire. The tracker landed on mark.

The great hall Cheers as Jonas looked relieved for a moment. "Now run!! Or swim!!" Harry yelled.

Regulus frown about something in thought but let's it go.

Jaxx who was sitting in front of the monitor seeing the tracker working said-"He's done it. Violet the tracker is live!!" Violet nods at Mac.

Mac-"great! Reel him in DJ" a Machine attached to Jonas started to reel over and rope him towards the boat with a jerk as Violet's eyes widened and she yelled-"Stop! Stop! No vibration!!"

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