The Royal Wedding Ball

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With her preparations completed, Sofia stepped into the awaiting carriage alongside Helga. Nerves fluttered within her, knowing that she had never attended a royal ball or wedding before.

Back at the palace, Caspian stood all dressed and ready, patiently waiting in the line to be introduced to the Royalties and guests. Though he stood alone, he patiently waited for Sofia's arrival. As the line slowly dwindled, Caspian's impatience became more pronounced. Turning to his closest friend, he asked, "Where could she be?"

"Your Majesty, I heard she left the boutique not long ago," came the response. Finally, it was their turn to be introduced. As the doors opened, Caspian descended three steps with the crier beside him. His name and title has been announced to the Queen and King as well as the assembled guests. As Caspian turned to face the ballroom, a noticeable shift unfolded—a collective gaze of the crowd moved beyond him. As he turned his gaze, he himself stood rooted to the spot, captivated by the sight of the most being woman he had ever encountered.

 As he turned his gaze, he himself stood rooted to the spot, captivated by the sight of the most being woman he had ever encountered

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Sofia descended the steps with grace, immediately capturing the attention of everyone in the room. Smiles and glances followed her as she made her way to stand beside Caspian. The King and Queen of Calormen stood up from their seats, and the entire room bowled to greet the Queen of Narnia. When the unusual moment passed the royal couple turned their attention to the groom and bride, engaging in proper greetings.

Addressing Sofia, the Calormen King exclaimed, "Your Highness, it is an extraordinary honor to have you with us. Caspian did not mention that we would have you with us." Sofia smiled as she glanced at Caspian, playfully explaining, "He wanted it to be a surprise."

Then, in a request filled with warmth, the King of Calormen turned to Sofia, "May I have this dance with you?"

Then, in a request filled with warmth, the King of Calormen turned to Sofia, "May I have this dance with you?"

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Sofia looked at Caspian as she accepted the Kings invitation. Caspian, relinquishing his grip on Sofia's hand, transferred it to the King as he, in turn, asked the newlywed Queen for a dance.

During a breathtaking backdrop, the Kings and Queens took to the floor, initiating a dance that soon drew the entire assembly into its rhythm. The room was filled with music, laughter, and the joy of celebration, as the newly formed bonds between nations and hearts were celebrated in dance.

 The room was filled with music, laughter, and the joy of celebration, as the newly formed bonds between nations and hearts were celebrated in dance

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During one of the dances, Caspian and Sofia found themselves in a slow dance. She leaned in and whispered, "I'm sorry I was late." Caspian smiled warmly and replied, "It's alright, what matters is that you're here." Sofia blushed and rested her head on his shoulder as they swayed to the live music . The celebration continued for hours with laughter and dancing. As the night wound down, the guests departed, leaving only special guests to spend the night at the palace.

As Caspian and Sofia strolled towards their given quarters, their conversation flowed endlessly. The energy between them felt as electric as it did when they were young.

Their chambers conveniently nestled side by side, Caspian and Sofia traveled across the corridor towards their bedroom doors, a delicate symphony of hushed conversation marking their journey. In a tender gesture, their fingers intertwined, a connection that seemed to yearn for permanence yet slowly slipped away as they approached their respective thresholds.

 In a tender gesture, their fingers intertwined, a connection that seemed to yearn for permanence yet slowly slipped away as they approached their respective thresholds

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As the doors closed, the echo of their fleeting connection lingered, casting an indelible spell upon the night. The hours slipped away, leaving them both entangled in thoughts of one another. Sleep evaded them, for something profound had awakened within, a love so enchanting that it whispered promises of a shared future, where their hearts would dance in harmony, united by a bond that transcended time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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