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No matter one intelligent or ignorance, there are things a person or ignorance, there are things a person should know how to say. From an alchemist's point of view, Rosenitte's statement could be taken as an insult to the entire field.

Along with Eve, Brigitte stared coldly into her cup of tea. Even Rubens and Icallis were starting to sweat. The Emperor kept opening and closing his mouths, struggling to settle on an a expression.

He finally gave an embarrassed chuckle.

"Haha, Rosie... I am touched by your affection, but I don't think lavender blooms this time of year. You needn't waste your time walking to the garden."

"Oh! But there must be some in the greenhouse, right? I'll bring you those."

"That's all right, Rosie."

"If you say so..."

Since Rosenitte was his majesty's favorite daughter, he had chosen to overlook her mistake. He surely would have been furious if Brigitte or Eve had spoken with such folly.

Rubens decided to change the subject. He'd thought of the perfect thing to bring up.

"Oh, I nearly forgot! Rosie's birthday is coming up, isn't It?"

"My goodness! You've remembered, Rubens. Yes, I'll finally be turning 18 next week," Rosenitte exclaimed.

"That's means you'll be able to select a personal knight of your own. All the subjects have been looking forward to this day. It will be a celebration for the entire empire!"

"Oh, dear brother... It's something every member of our family does."

Rosenitte spoke with a false modesty, everyone knowing she'd cajoled her father earlier into holding a huge birthday celebration for her sake.

She adopted a worried expression and turned to the Emperor.

"Father, I'm actually a bit concerned about the selection ceremony," Rosenitte said.

"Hmm? Why would you be worried?" the Emperor replied.

"I'm embarrassed to say it, but I have no talent in alchemy or magic. I'm not sure I'll be able to 'imprint' a homunculus properly."

"There is no need to worry, Rosie. Being of imperial blood alone will grant you more than enough power to control a homunculus."

"But it requires more talent if the homunculus is special, right? What if I were to fail the ritual? I'm not sleeping well these days because I keep thinking about it."

"Oh, child, you will do just fine," said the Emperor compassionately. Rosenitte's pink, ruby-like eyes shone as if filling with tears at a new thought.

She covered her mouth with a frail gesture and lamented, "Ah, Eve wouldn't have to worry about such things..."


Her intention in drawing Eve into the conversation was obvious. The seventh princess was infamous for choosing to break with imperial customs and not select a personal knight of her own. Eve made the perfect target at a moment like this.

As expected, the affable mood around the table immediately turned as cool as the tea.

Here it comes. Thanks so much for that, Rosie.

Everyone turned to look at Eve. She'd received all these cold looks before, but they still hurt.

The Emperor said in a despondent tone, "Yes, Eve is very talented indeed. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she were capable of having at least three personal knights under her control at her current skill level."

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