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At the pod, Command room

Uzi was sitting on a chair, in front of the monitors, typing on the keyboards. N was on her side, turned off, with a cable coming out of the main computer and conecting to his head. V was on her room, sleeping. Uzi typed some more things untill she took her hands off the keyboard and shaked them, her hands hurted a bit, she was alredy doing it for more than an hour and needed a break.

She got up from the chair and sat on the couch, looking to the celling, thinking on how she'll have to go to school today, because the month off she got from the hospital alredy ended. She had a good time here, even though the fact that disassembly drones need oil to live disturbed Uzi a bit, but nothing she couldn't handle. Uzi heard a sound of chains and looked to V's room, she then got up and walked to it.

Everytime V would try to escape N would enter her room and try to talk with her, but to no avail, he took her chains on the mouth off so she could speak, but she's always mean and ignores whatever he says. Sometimes, N walks out in such a bad mood that not even Uzi can cheer him. Uzi opened the door to see V trying to break the chains, but that only made her look stupid. Uzi gigled a bit and V looked at her.

"What're you laughing at metal pipe!?" Uzi stoped gigling and looked at V.

"Nothing, just liking the view" Uzi giggled a bit, pissing V off, she tried to run towards her, but got pushed back by her chains, falling to the ground with her back. She looked at Uzi with an angry look.

"Where's N, ditched him alredy?"

"And why would that matter to you?"

"SHUT UP, just tell me where he is!" Uzi stopped smilling.

"I'm giving some modifications on his programing, so NX doesn't appear as often as before" Uzi looked at V, who was confused.

"By 'NX' you mean his other personality?" Uzi nodded. V widened her eyes and got up. "WHAT?!" Uzi looked confused "Why? That's the only good thing on him!" Uzi widened her eyes.

"Wait, wait, wait, have you and the other bitch been telling N this?"

"Of course we have, he has to know the truth" Uzi was dumbfounded, she turned around and walked onto the command room. She didn't know those two kept saying that to him. Uzi looks to N and remembers when he was talking about his team and how they could be a bit mean, but weren't bad.

"Hey, come back here!" V screamed from her room, trying to stomp her foot on the ground. Uzi just closed her room's door and put a headfone she built and started to type on the keyboard again, trying to think of another thing, while V tried to realese herself from the chains.

Some time passed and V calmed down. Uzi didn't know if she had given up or goed to sleep, but she didn't care and continued working on N. She passed some time and decided to take a break, she got up and looked outside the pod to one of the entrances and noticed that the sun was falling. She sighed, remebering she had to go to school now, she then turned to N and took the cable off, she crouched and started him. His systems started to run and soon, he was running. His lights brighted a bit and he looked up.

"Hey Uzi, did anything happen while I was out?"

"No, are your programings running fine?" Uzi walked to the couch and sat on it, while N got up.

"Everything's fine, but I didn't feel any different" N said looking to his hands.

"You won't, the change isn't on you, but on NX, so you shouldn't feel anything different" Uzi lyed down on the couch to rest. N looked at her with a worried look.

"H-Hey, is everything okay, you look tired" N got a little closer to Uzi.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just that I have to go to school in some minutes" N giggled a bit with that, wich made Uzi look with an angry face at him, that made him nervous, but this interaction was stopped when thay heard the sound of chains moving. Both looked to V's room and N walked to it, but before he reached there Uzi spoke.

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