Chapter 2:Preparations

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"The Sage helped me master the Stone. Without her, I would have succumbed to its power a long time ago. After hundreds of practice sessions, I finally managed to get it under control. That was how I killed Mandraesyr", Talaeos finished.

"You have come a long way. You are a true Sun Warrior", said Rokitas. "Am I? As a descendant of Kilmar Artos, I am part demon, and that part of me will always threaten to break out, and wreak havoc once more", Talaeos said. "Even so, Hunter. A true Sun Warrior is not necessarily one who always stays on the path, but one who returns after straying. You have strayed, and you returned, a warrior reborn. And that is truly admirable. The young Sun Warrior who used the Stone for the first time is no more. Your path is full of dangers yet. And in some ways, it always will be. But now, you have all you need. Welcome back, Sun Warrior", Ritalin said.


Pain. Burning pain. The approaching release. But it did not come. A sinister power, holding on to him, keeping him from slipping into the void, into release in death. Seeping into every part of his being, corrupting him. The former Sun Warrior marshaled his remaining willpower to keep the darkness away, hoping for death, but the darkness was stronger. The pain burned stronger still, and everything ceased, leaving only a single thought, a single shred of the former Sun Warrior's mind, screaming in anguish, as the rest of the body succumbs the sinister power. A new Tearia is born.

Haarzen woke, panting, his head reeling from the memory. Then, he felt the fluid in which he was submerged, inside a reinforced glass chamber, held together by the same power that had corrupted him all those years ago, turning him into the monster that he now was. He had once been a Sun Warrior, a wielder of light against the darkness of Mandraesyr, Kanratur and Hurzalas. Protector of Keltorea. And now, he was an agent of their evil. Kept alive by the fluid and the glass chamber, and the sinister power that corrupted him all those years ago. The pain returned, as he remembered the feeling of Juralen's Sunsword driving into his body. At that moment, he was close to death, to the release he had been longing for ever since he became a Tearia. Instead, Mandraesyr brought him to this chamber, where he had spent the last few years, in pain, but alive.

He attempted to cast lightning, hoping the reaction of the electricity and the fluid, along with the small electronics on the exterior of the chamber, would fry him, and end his misery. But not so much as a spark came out, as if someone was blocking his power. Another presence joined him, and he felt the room grow colder. "Haarzen, Haarzen. Why are you still trying? Come now. This is your destiny. Accept it, and it will get easier", Kanratur chided. "Never. I'd rather die on my terms than do your dirty work. You never broke me fully. And I am not giving you that satisfaction any time soon. I will get control of my body, and you will pay for the torment I endured every day for the past several decades. And you will not stop me", Haarzen replied, clenching his fists.

Kanratur sighed, somewhat exasperated. "You will break soon enough. And then, we shall avenge Mandraesyr's fall", he said. Haarzen, who had been half asleep up to that point, perked up slightly, though he tried to maintain a neutral voice. "Mandraesyr is dead? Who?" "The Mist Reaper that was supposed to take Talaeos Aceltor to the Underworld, had apparently failed. It was intercepted by the Sage. She trained Talaeos with the Stone. He was able to fight in tandem with it, and after a long battle, he killed Mandraesyr. Only I and Hurzalas can kill him now. Kilmar Artos is, unfortunately, sealed in the Underworld", Kanratur said.

"Good. It's about time you faced what's coming for you", Haarzen said, making sure to punctuate every word with all the pent up energy within him. Kanratur took a step back, as if shaken by his outburst. "You had enough for today", he said, waving his hand. Haarzen made no attempt to resist the sleeping spell, completely devoid of energy.


A long period of inaction ensued, during which both sides replenished their forces. Vanraael had been partially rebuilt, and Felluria was liberated, along with many other cities. To fill in the time, the Sun Warriors and Ring Wielders sparred with each other, thus keeping their skills sharp.

Laita blocked Maior's Sunsword with her trident, and launched a telekinetic wave, sending him sliding back several meters, though he stabilize himself with his Sunsword. He retaliated with his eyebeams, which Laita evaded. She unleashed a volley of energy balls from her pistol. Maior intercepted the attacks with his Sunsword, and rushed forward, forcing her to defend with the trident. He transitioned to a one handed grip mid swing and a green energy blade sprouted from his free hand, which Laita barely evaded in time.

She attempted to strike back, but his foot slammed into her gut, throwing her off her feet, and his Sunsword stopped inches away from her neck. Maior withdrew the weapon and extended his hand, helping her back to her feet.

"Very good. Now, you shall face me", Talaeos said to Maior.

Maior moved forward hesitantly, both hands wrapped firmly around the hilt of his Sunsword, whereas Talaeos waited patiently, unbothered. He calmly intercepted Maior's strikes, and as the young warrior lunged, he sidestepped and released a burst of lightning, which Maior evaded. He kicked Talaeos in the leg, and the Hunter retaliated with a telekinetic surge through the ground. Maior maintained his footing with difficulty, and launched his eyebeams. Talaeos responded in kind, and his more powerful beams forced Maior to evade. Talaeos went on the offensive, moving his Sunsword in a golden blur, forgoing magic for the moment.

Maior's defense was solid, and Talaeos found himself putting in more and more effort. Maior put up a valiant effort, but after one mistake too many, Talaeos disarmed him, and as Maior's energy blades activated, Talaeos caught them with his electrified hands, something he wouldn't have dared to do before he mastered the Stone, causing them to flicker out, and got Maior in a headlock.

"Valiant effort. But you must be more vigilant. Now, enough for today. We can continue tomorrow", said Atrea.

Maior, Freya, Caelorn, Laita and Ernea departed, leaving the adults alone, as they discussed their future strategies with other Keltorean officers.

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