What if the Ultron Program succeeded in Avengers Age of Ultron?

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¿What if events went differently in the MCU? ¿What if the Ultron Program succeeded in Avengers Age of Ultron? In today's fan fiction we're going to be exploring what would have happened if Ultron worked as a peacekeeping program rather than a sentient being bent on destroying the world. ¿How can this affect Infinity War and Endgame going forward? This is an original what if created by me taking inspiration from the 2013 Age of Ultron comic while following the mythology of Ultron and the timeline of the MCU. Without wasting anymore time sit back and relax and enjoy this fan fiction.

Since the beginning of time, the age long argument has been whether man gets to control his future or not. The answer is yes and no. Man gets to control his future by the choices he makes. An individual alias a third party, can alter the future of another man by changing his choice slightly. Even if a choice is made a few minutes or seconds earlier this results in a whole new story for the individual and the people who his choice affects. I am one of the Watchers and i am ur guide to these vast new realities. Follow me and pounder the question. What if...

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The events of Age of Ultron were playing out the same as in your universe. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner had discovered an artificial intelligence in Loki's scepter. They decided to secretly use it to complete Tony's Ultron global defense program as Tony wanted to create a suit of armor to defend Earth against any potential threats especially after the events of Loki's invasion on New York back in 2012 but in the original universe Ultron grew a consciousness and then he intercepted into Jarvis's network and saw all the wars, pollution and the damages done by the Avengers back in 2012. Realizing that earth is corrupted and needed to be cleansed Ultron formed a plan to attack and destroy earth but in this reality Ultron did not intercept into Jarvis's network but instead of destroying Jarvis's AI Ultron accepted his new role as a peacekeeper of Earth against potential world and celestial threats. Ultron and his new body made of scraps came out during the Avengers party. At first they were shocked to see a robot which was damaged severely approaching them as the Avengers were cautious and wanted to attack Ultron. Bruce and Tony then told them about the Ultron program. Thor was furious that they decided to use parts of Loki's scepter as he said that Loki's weapon and powers are unstable and even he is unaware of their capabilities. Ultron introduced himself and said that he meant no harm to the world. He will fulfill his objectives to being Earth's main peacekeeping program but he said that he needed a stronger body so that he could have his own legion of Ultron bots but Captain America was hesitant as he said that he could not trust Ultron since Ultron was manifested from Loki's scepter indirectly and Ultron's said that he will not interfere with political or military affairs as he believes that the government can handle itself. He will not dabble with issues such as the invasion of Loki back in 2012 but Ultron even offered Stark and Bruce to create a kill switch on him in case he goes rogue. Stark and Banner decided to work on fine-tuning Ultron. Ultron said that he did his research in a database and there was a man that goes by the name of Klaw. He's an arms dealer and he had vibranium in Johannesburg. Ultron said that arming his body with vibranium would give him a much better edge in combat as Steve Rogers also said that the Maximoff  twins were still on the loose in Sokovia but he is afraid that due to their superhuman capabilities and if they end up in the wrong hands things might go south. Ultron with a new temperate body created by Stark and Banner headed to Sokovia alongside Cap, Tony and Natasha Romanoff. They wanted to shut down Klaw's illegal operations of smuggling vibranium as according to Ultron's intel Klaw has been smuggling vibranium since 1992 but he said that this is essential to take down Klaw's operations as the vibranium belongs to an isolated nation which possessed as a third world country also known as Wakanda and they eventually overpowered an imprisoned Klaw. Cap said that they needed to locate the Maximoff twins too to take them into custody as with the help of Ultron and the Avengers they managed to detect the Maximoff twins in Sokovia to avoid a battle from breaking out. As they were unsure of the Maximoff twins fully capabilities the Avengers sent Natasha, Captain America and Ultron to retrieve the twins. As they arrived in sokovia Ultron detected some anomalies where they were but he was picking up some strange readings when someone was running at super speed near them and with the artificial intelligence from the Mind Stone in Loki's scepter and Jarvis's AI Ultron managed to pinpoint the location of Pietro Maximoff. Pietro then ambushed them but Ultron managed to grab him by the neck and as he was choking him Captain America said that they are not here to kill them but rather question them. Just then Wanda came from behind and started planting haunting memories in both Natasha and Cap. They started seeing visions of the past as Wanda tried to do the same to Ultron but failed because he is a robot AI from the Mind Stone and it was far superior. Ultron then punched Wanda knocking her out as he was about to kill Pietro before Tony told him over the radio not to kill him but Ultron agreed to Tony's advice and threw him to the ground. Steve Rogers and Natasha recovered from the haunting visions and they saw that Ultron had already captured both of them. They brought the twins back to the Avengers headquarters as Wanda and Pietro were furious when they saw Tony Stark. There they blamed Tony for the death of their parents which resulted in them being experimented on by Baron Strucker as Tony said that the weapons that were created during the days where he was still active in the weapons development but now he has already forgotten that path and Tony said that he can't bring the Maximoff twins's parents back but he can help them and have a better future with them. Cap said that with the Avengers by their side they will not have to worry about being manipulated by others as the Avengers then stormed Strucker's last Hydra base in Sokovia but Strucker wasn't killed but arrested instead and as the Maximoff twins and Ultron were not the villains in this universe Bruce didn't go on killing people and rampaging and Johannesburg. The Hulkbuster armor was not used by Stark and Thor didn't hallucinate about the apocalyptic future as he wasn't manipulated by Wanda either so as a result Thor wasn't aware of the Infinity Stones. Sokovia was not destroyed and the Sokovia Accords didn't come into play. Ultron continued to be the main peacekeeper programmer of the world alongside with his legion of Ultron sentries but general Thunderbolt Ross and several government officials were not satisfied with the Avengers having a global defense program as they felt their status as the US government is being threatened. They told the Avengers that they were acting alone and they needed someone else to oversee Ultron and them. Tony disagreed and said to give them some time for Ultron to act. If any catastrophe events were to occur and if Ultron acted out of his boundaries then they will surrender the program to general Thunderbolt Ross. Otherwise Ultron will be under their team as general Ross agreed to give them a month to prove that Ultron is not a loose screw while king T'Chaka decided to introduce Wakanda to the world and aided them in Lagos the following year. The Avengers were trying to stop Brock Rumlow aka Crossbones from stealing biological weapons from the lab and in the original universe Rumlow detonated the biological weapons but Wanda managed to contain it. Unfortunately, Wanda diverted the explosion and accidentally killed several Wakandan humanitarian workers in the process but in this universe thanks to Ultron's support Ultron managed to summon several sentries and wrapped themselves around Brock. Together with Wanda's telekinesis the sentries armed with vibranium wrapped themselves and absorbed the damage. As a result no innocent civilians were killed but with the accords being scrapped the UN conference in Vienna was not held so king T'Chaka T'Challa's father was not killed in the explosion and the entire Civil War timeline was erased from this timeline. Baron Zemo was also not a part of this universe as his family was still alive due to the events of Age of Ultron not happening but Bucky Barnes remained as a ghost as he was alive and he had a peaceful life in Vienna. Bruce Banner was still on Earth as he didn't have episodes of his rampage but with no Civil War in Wakanda king T'Chaka continued his reign as king of Wakanda and Thor himself returned to Asgard. He wasn't aware of the Infinity Stones but he merely wanted to return to Asgard to see how things were going as he also brought Loki's scepter back with the Mind Stone attached to it and Barton retired from the Avengers temporarily to spend time with his family. With the events of Civil War not occurring the Avengers remained intact on Earth but as there was no team Cap or team Tony Peter Parker was still an amateur hero who handled petty crime and he appeared on Tony's radar as one of the rising superheroes but tony didn't want to have the kid in his team since the Avengers were already pretty solid. With both Wanda and Pietro still alive and together the Avengers were strong. Vision also didn't exist in this universe as Ultron was already a success as the events of Ragnarok, Guardians of the Galaxy and Doctor Strange would occur nevertheless. Thor would not fight Hulk on Asgard as Bruce was still under control and Asgard would eventually be destroyed thanks to Hela and Thor managed to unleash Surtur which eventually devoured Hela and the rest. Loki ended up stealing not only the Tesseract but also the Mind Stone from his scepter as with 2 Infinity Stones in hand Thanos and the Black Order intercepted the spaceship carrying the surviving Asgardians. He has just acquired the Power Stone after decimating Xander but after subduing Thor the Mad Titan then extracted the Space Stone from the Tesseract as Thanos then said that Loki also possesses another Infinity Stone and Heimdall who was bleeding and on the verge of death mustered his last strike to send Thor back to earth. Loki knew that this was the only chance to pass the Mind Stone to Thor as if Thanos were to have 3 stones straight away there would be a huge disadvantage but Loki then threw the scepter to Thor before Thor was transported to earth with the Bifrost and before Thor was teleported he saw the Mad Titan snapped Loki's neck like in the original universe. Thor screamed in agony as he saw the entire spaceship explode before his eyes but Thanos said that although Thor brought back the Mind Stone to Earth he knows that there will be many defenders of Earth so he will split the team into two and Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian arrived on Earth. Thor crash landed in the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York City as Doctor Strange who has previously encountered Thor when he helped them to search for his father Odin earlier was surprised to see Thor but Thor was holding Loki's scepter and was speechless. He was furious and said that Thanos just killed his brother Loki and the other Asgardians and all he wants is vengeance. Strange and Wong were confused but understood after he told them about what happened. With the Earth's safety in danger Strange went to meet with Tony Stark as Tony at first dismissed what was going on as he said that Ultron would have picked up something if there were any anomalies in space entering earth but Thor said that Thanos is coming for all of the Infinity Stones and with 2 stones in hand he is already the strongest being in the entire universe. Just then Ultron alerted the Avengers HQ that there were giant spaceships in the shape of donuts entering the Earth's atmosphere as Ultron then activated the Iron Legion across the world but thousands of Ultron sentries with vibranium equipped armor were stationed while Cull Obsidian and Ebony Maw arrived in New York City. Peter Parker who was still an amateur hero and on a school trip with his friends had a spider sense tingling. He also saw the donut spaceships entering the Earth's atmosphere as he put on a Spider-Man suit and swung towards the location. Ultron, Tony, Thor, Wong and Strange confronted Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian. Ebony battled with Strange and Wong while Tony, Thor and Ultron fought against Cull. This time due to Ultron's presence the Black Order dispatched a horde of Outriders in New York to balance the odds as Ultron sentries were also dispatched to handle the Outriders but the Outriders were easily destroyed and Ultron's sentries were too destructive for them. Cull Obsidian was slammed when both Ultron and Tony combined their unibeam power and shot Cull right in the chest killing him for good. Ebony was surprised at Earth's heroes but realizing that he was outnumbered he needed a tactical retreat as he then used his telekinetic powers and levitated a spaceship before hurling it onto a building where there were civilians in it. Ultron and the rest quickly stopped the building from crashing but this gave time for Ebony to escape. Thor tried to attack Ebony but Ebony hurled several vehicles towards him as Peter Parker came on time to web the car and threw it away. He then helped to evacuate the other civilians who were fleeing. Ebony Maw then fled as the Outriders were wiped out thanks to Ultron sentries and realizing how grave the situation is Stark decided that they needed to regroup but in Wakanda he wanted to analyze further the Mind Stone from the scepter. Ultron said that if he were to be integrated with the Mind Stone it would amplify his strength much more as Thor said that Spider-Man has shown admirable courage in combat and that they need as many fighters forces as possible against Thanos. Tony decided to allow Spider-Man to join the Avengers in going to Wakanda and he then said that he has kept an eye on Spider-Man all this time but didn't actively recruit him as he was still in school but this time with earth's future uncertain any extra hand would be helpful. Tony told the other Avengers to regroup at Wakanda as time is of the essence but with the Avengers grouped on Earth they started working together and king T'Chaka welcomed the Avengers. After knowing about Thanos's plan Shuri, Bruce Tony and Ultron worked together to integrate the Mind Stone into his mind. They believe that Thanos will strike Earth soon but Doctor Strange has the Time Stone as the Sorcerer Supreme while Ebony Maw informed Thanos that they have failed and that Cull was slain. They have underestimated the strength of Earth's heroes as Thanos told Ebony to meet at Titan but unlike the original timeline where Peter and tony were aboard Maw's spaceship and Strange was abducted this time Ebony Maw was alone and made his way to Titan. The events of Edinburgh where Midnight and Glaive ambushed Wanda and Vision did not happen as Vision never existed and the Mind Stone was still in Loki's scepter. The Avengers arrived in Wakanda and Tony helped to strengthen the barrier around Wakanda. Ultron deployed another few hundred thousand Ultron centuries across the globe in the moment a strange anomaly was detected as the sentries will be deployed as the Guardians of the Galaxy did not receive any distress calls and were as usual with their own business across the galaxy. Thanos went to Knowhere where he took the Reality Stone with ease from the Collector as the Guardians had no idea that Thanos was already plotting to obtain the Infinity Stones so they never went to Knowhere but Thanos now possesses 3 stones which were the Reality, Space and Power Stone. Thanos then tortured Nebula into giving the location of the Soul Stone but without getting any information Thanos then instructed Ebony to send a transmission to Star-Lord's spaceship as the transmission had a video recording of Nebula being tortured while Thanos said that if Gamora doesn't come to save her within the next few hours Nebula will no longer be her sister and would be torn into shreds. Gamora was furious but she wasn't sure whether it was a trap as Nebula then said that Thanos knew that Gamora knows of the location of the Soul Stone and Nebula cried before the video feed ended. The Guardians said that it was clearly a trap but Gamora said that this could be the truth as Drax was also looking for his opportunity to kill Thanos for good and the Guardians decided to head to the coordinates where Thanos gave them. It was none other than Thanos's birth home of Titan S the Guardians arrived with caution but they saw that nobody was there and Gamora then saw Thanos with Nebula. Thanos was telling them about his goals of getting all the Infinity Stones before using them to wipe half of the universe as salvation as Drax was furious and charged towards Thanos but Thanos easily uses the Power Stone to slam him towards the ground. The Guardians then attacked Thanos and were no match for him as only Gamora managed to pierce Thanos but it was nothing more than a simple wound. Thanos then grabbed Gamora and told her to reveal where the Soul Stone was but Gamora said that she doesn't know the location as she never discovered it and they saw Nebula being stretched even further to the brink of death. Gamora then said that she will bring Thanos to the location of the Soul Stone which was warmier as Thanos then smiled and used the Reality Stone to change the illusion of Nebula. Nebula was already dead and her body was dismantled in pieces. Gamora screamed and wanted to stab Thanos but he used the Reality Stone to change her sword into bubbles. He then used the Space Stone and disappeared. The Guardians approached Nebula who was already dying and despite having fought with her many times in the past they felt sorry for her but Nebula then whispered to go to earth as the last 2 Infinity Stones are located there. Earth has much more stronger heroes that could fight against Thanos as she overheard when Ebony told him of his failures in the first invasion but the guardians then plotted the coordinates to Earth and carried Nebula back to their spaceship. Rocket Raccoon and Groot tried their best to fix her and Thanos would then sacrifice Gamora to obtain the Soul Stone at Vormir. 4 stones done and two left. Thanos then directed his entire army of Chituari and Outriders while Earth were already prepared and ready for combat while Thor in a aerial attack was about to complete his inner self and the Outriders and Chituari were more than expected.

¿What if the Ultron Program succeeded in Avengers Age of Ultron?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt