The One Who Didn't Die

Începe de la început

"Why so many of us?"

He asks and Hunnigan becomes more serious.

"You'll be taking a special personal along with you that must not be harmed under any circumstances. Our future depends on it."

She says sternly and Leon is taken aback by her tone.

"Who is this 'special personal'?"

He asks.

"Evlyn Wynters."

She says and Leon's eyes widen slightly at her words.

"The Evlyn Wynters? The cured infected woman?"

He asks, narrowing his eyes. Hunnigan nods.

"The one and the same. Your mission is to gather all samples of the T and G viruses that you can find and prep them for demolition, scout the area for any clues as to the perpetrator and to protect Ms Evlyn Wynters at any cost. Any questions?"

She says and Leon nods, bringing the phone closer to his face.

"Why is she coming with us?"

He asks.

"That is classified for now on a 'need to know' bases. Check your phone for details. Goodbye, Leon."

Hunnigan disappears from the screen and Leon scoffs, shaking his head.



Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

~Evlyn sat in Rebecca's lab, giving her monthly contribution of samples for her to use in the vaccines

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Evlyn sat in Rebecca's lab, giving her monthly contribution of samples for her to use in the vaccines.

The door to the lab opens and one of the higher ups of the American Government steps inside. Behind him are two men and two women that she'd never seen before.

"Mr Vice President. To what do we owe the honour, Sir?"

Rebecca asks and the man smiles at her while the small group behind him can't help, but stare at Evlyn. Not that she could blame them. Her once blonde hair was now dull with a few weird colours seeping through it, her once blue eyes were slightly glazed over with white and her once tanned skin was now a ghostly white as well.

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