Your POV

I showered, put on my dress, did my makeup and ofc put some perfume. I then went to Anaylas room to see is she needs help with her hair since I'm the only one who can do cute hairstyles.
Y:heyyy you need help with your hair?
A:omg yes how did u know
Y:I know u too well come here

I did half up half down but I did 2 braids on the top half and left two hair strands out for some extra cuteness.
She took her purse with her belongings and we went to Hannah's room. Once she was ready we got out and got a taxi.

Y: Ciao! Potreste accompagnarci in centro città?
(Hello! Could you take us to the city, please?)

(Of course)

T: Da dove venite?
(Where are you guys from?)

Y:Oh, siamo del NJ e siamo in vacanza qui.
(Oh we are from NJ we are on a vacation here)

T:Ahhh molti studenti vengono qui dopo il loro diploma

Y:Oh davvero! Conoscete dei posti in cui potremmo andare, a parte le cose più semplici da visitare?
(Oh really! Do you know places we could go to, we'll except for the basic sightseeing stuff)

T:Beh, io sono un ragazzo più grande e non saprei dirvi dove escono la maggior parte degli adolescenti, ma posso darvi il numero di mio nipote. È qui in visita dagli Stati Uniti e potrebbe aiutarvi.
(Well Im an older guy I couldn't tell you where most of the teens hang out but I can give you the number of my nephew. He's here to visit from the US he could help you out)

Y:Sarebbe fantastico, grazie!
(That would be amazing thank you!)

T:Ecco il suo numero, si chiama Mattia

(Here is his number his name is Mattia)

Y:Grazie a tutti
(Thank you)

T:Quindi eccoci qui: 15 euro per la corsa.
(So here we are it will make 15 euros for the ride)

Y:Prendi il resto. Buona giornata, ciao
(Here keep the change . Have a nice day bye)

T:Grazie, arrivederci e buon divertimento a Milano.
Thank you bye and enjoy your time in Milan!

H: girl I know you are into sugar daddies and all but I never thought you would flirt with a taxi driver
A: I know right!!! we are in Milan you could have gotten a mafia boss
Y: omg shut up. He gave me the number of his nephew so he can show us cool hang out spots in Milan
A: oohhh is he hot?
Y: bitch I don't know and I don't care I'm single and I want to keep it that way
H: as you should let's enjoy our hot girl summerrrr

We did some shopping and we took a lot of pictures with my camera (a/n: fr buy a digital camera for the summer it was the best purchase I have ever made)
As I was going through the photos we have just made I bumped into a talk figure and dropped my camera and my bags

?:omg mi dispiace tanto non ho guardato dove stavo andando
omg I'm so sorry I did not watched where I was going)
Y: No, non preoccuparti, è stata colpa mia.
(no don't worry it was my fault)

I was about to pick up my stuff when I looked up to see a man, he wasn't old I think he was around my age. He has hazel eyes and black hair and the prettiest eyebrows I have ever seen. I got zoned out for a bit just studying his face when I got interrupted by anayla and hannah

H: omg y/n you good?
Y: yea I wasn't paying attention sorry
?: you speak English?
A: yea we are on a holiday we are from the us
?: me too but I'm visiting my family
H: cute but we have to go
She said while picking up my stuff and dragging me away leaving him staring at me while we went to the nearest taxi to go home

Y: why did you do that??
H: because I know you too well you were literally frozen and drooling all over him

I scoffed

Y: what? That's not true
A: even I could see it don't lie to yourself
Y: I'm not!

I said while staring through the window and thinking about it

Maybe I was but it doesn't matter it's not like I will ever see him again...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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Summer fling- a Mattia Polibio story Where stories live. Discover now