Part Two, Spring 5th

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WARNING: The begining of this chapter contains subjects of abuse, read with caution if you have trouble with that kind of thing

"Where are you going, beautiful? I thought we were finally going to spend some time together?" His voice echoed eerily as Garren quickly locked himself in the bathroom, his heart pounding and his head spinning.
"I want to see you, but I don't want to do that..kind of stuff right now!" Garren says shakily as he hears him pound on the door.

"Just open up already! I'll be gentle if you open the door." Garren can hear him chuckle as the doorknob starts shaking. "Dammit, why do you always lock me out?!" He says angrily. "You're not even giving me a chance!"

"I tried!" Garren raises his voice, staring at the door as he backs away. "I'm trying! But your scaring me-"

"SHUT UP!" He screams, slamming the door which makes Garren jump. "You're not trying hard enough! You haven't spoken to me in days! Do you even care?!" He yells, Garren can hear him start kicking the door in some attempt to get himself inside.

"Calm down!" Garren says loudly, his body shaking tremendously as he forces himself to step closer to the door. "I'll open the door!"

"God." Garren hears him grunt as he slowly takes the doorknob and unlocking the door. "You're so annoying, you know that?" Garren hears him say as he opens the door. "Now come on babe, just get out of the bathroom." he smirks.

Garren looks at his face, fear still in his eyes as he tries to calm himself.

"Hah, you look pretty cute right now." He smiles, basically dragging Garren forcefully out of the bathroom by his shirt and into the hall. "With that stupid look on your face..Why are you looking at me like that?!" He asks, that tone in his voice again as he looks Garren in the eyes.

"Im sorry, Te-" Garren gasps as he suddenly pushes Garren into the wall, grabbing him by the neck.

"I'm so sorry!" He mocks, then spitting in Garrens face. "Your fucking disgusting! You hear me?!" He screams, starting to choke him. "I'll kill you right now!"

Garren chokes, trying to breathe but his grasp around his neck only gets tighter as he slams the back of Garrens head into the wall.

Garrens vision gets blurred, his body shaking as he feels more and more desperate for air by the second-


Garren gasps as he jerks awake on his bed, gasping for air as he feels his body shaking uncontrollably. He touches his neck, breathing heavily as he blinks a few times to try and clear the nightmare from his head.

"It's a dream..a dream.." Garren tells himself as he stands up, pulling a shirt from his bag and putting it on as he tries to steady his breathing.

He couldn't hurt him anymore, not out here.

Garren sighs after getting dressed, walking outside to get some fresh air after a rough night of sleep.

He had spent the first few days clearing some space on the farm and meeting more people in town after planting some crops that were left in his farmhouse. And despite Pelican Town being so small with only about 30 people, it was mostly lively and friendly all around.

Now he spends his morning and some afternoon watering his crops and clearing out more trees and weeds on the farm.

"Maybe I'm not so bad at this whole farming thing.." Garren wonders out loud as he sets his tools aside next to his house and starts going over to town to take a walk or just sit and relax somewhere other than his farm.

He walks to a grassy area just slightly north from where the main part of town sits, looking over at that abandoned building he had seen a few days before.

Garren makes his way over to it, about to open the door out of curiosity when he hears Mayor Lewis.

"This Community Center hasn't been used in quite some time now." He says, walking over to Garren. "The place is locked..But I have the key if you want to take a look." Lewis says as he grabs some set of keys from his pocket, starting to unlock the door.

"Oh, sure.." Garren replies awkwardly as they walk in.

The place is a mess, vines, grass and bushes starting to swell in between cracks in the walls and broken floorboards. Garren steps over a few broken planks of wood to walk further into the main part of the building.

Then he notices a little...hut? no that doesn't make sense, but some kind of peculiar mess made of stone, mud and leaves sitting in the corner of the room.

He turns his head quickly as he hears a skittering sound of something running across the floor, for a split second he sees something small, round and green with short legs and arms run into another room.

"I wouldn't be surprised if this place was filled with rats.." Lewis sighs, not seeming to notice what Garren saw just a second ago. "But oh well..I don't see the point of leaving this place locked up anymore, not like this place could get any worse."

"I get it." Garren mumbles, glancing around the room. He tries to convince himself he just saw a big leaf rolling around from some breeze, but the image still burns in his mind.

"Well I'll leave you be." Lewis waves as he starts to leave. "I'm sure you've got plenty of work to do." He says as he leaves.

Garren looked around for a little longer, sure maybe there were a few animals and bugs living in here, but maybe something else too.

He sighs, leaving the Community Center and closing the door behind him as he starts walking back to town. He didn't have to deal with this right now, he just needed somewhere to relax after a day of working.

"Hey, farmer!" he hears a familiar voice and he looks up, seeing Sam waving at him with Abigail next to him. "We're going to the saloon! Wanna come along if you're not busy?" Sam asks.

"Alright! I'm not busy anymore." Garren replies, smiling as he walks over to the two.

"Do you really want him to watch Sebastian kick your butt at Pool for the 100th time?" Abigail laughs.

"Hey! I'll get him eventually.." Sam mutters as they walk over to the Saloon. "Maybe today will be the day!"

Garren follows along, wondering if he could really make some friends in this small town.

((CHAPTER TWO IS DONE! Let me know if you want me to keep writing this! again this might have very random updates since I just write this when I feel like it. Hope you enjoy! :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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