Before You Say No

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Lin walked down the sidewalk. The faint glow of the street lights cast long shadows of her as Satomobiles sped down the road. The clang of her metal shoe alternated with the gentle thump of her wooden crutches. She hated having to use them.

A cool breeze blew a strand of hair in her face. It was later than she usually left work, but she had made an extra stop on the way home to pick up a box for Kya's anniversary gift. She also didn't typically go this route but it was faster to get home from the shop this way. As Lin approached an intersection, she saw a familiar face.

"Hello, Soya."

"Chief Beifong," she bowed respectfully. "How are you?"

"I'm well. You're out late tonight." Lin paused her walk even though she wasn't interested in making small talk.

"I could say the same to you."

Lin pursed her lips. This woman could be really irritating sometimes. If Soya saw her annoyed expression, she ignored it as she kept talking.

"Kya came by earlier and bought vegetables, so I won't bother you with my sales pitch. Are you heading home?"

"Yes." Lin desperately wanted to exit the conversation but the woman just. kept. talking.

"Well, be careful out there on your crutches. Have a good night, Chief."

"You as well."

Lin felt a wave of relief as she turned the corner and was out of Soya's line of sight. Her produce was cheap but the conversation was taxing. She soon arrived home, though, and found Kya reading a book in the bed.

She walked over and kissed her before sitting down. "Hey."

Kya put down her book. "Hello, love. How was your first day back? You got home later than usual."

"I had a lot of paperwork to catch up on, but don't worry, I didn't leave my desk," Lin reassured her.

"Ok," Kya laughed. "Do you want another healing session before bed?"

As much as Lin wanted to just brave through the pain, she knew this was for her own good. "I guess so."

"You got it." Kya got up to fetch some water from the kitchen.

While she was gone, Lin exchanged her metal armor for shorts and a tank top. She examined the slow-healing bruise that had been covered up all day. It had become a bluish purple color and still hurt to touch. Earlier that day, Lin secretly tried to walk on it without crutches but had winced with every painful step.

Kya returned with a bowl of water which she set on the nightstand. She bent it into a stream over her head before letting it settle on the injured knee. Lin flinched when it began to glow.

"How was lunch with Tenzin today?" Lin asked. She might have hated making small talk with nosy merchants but she found it pleasant and comfortable with Kya.

"Pretty good. He had two interesting ideas I wanted to talk to you about."

"What are they?" she asked, not knowing what to expect.

"Pick one or two for which one I tell you first."

"Do I have to?" Lin deadpanned.



"I'm gonna do two instead."


"Okay, okay," she chuckled. "They're opening up a new hospital in the southeast section of the city. Tenzin said they need more healers and offered if I wanted to work there."

Lin nodded along with the what she said. "Do you think you're gonna take the job?"

"I don't know yet, but I think so. I like helping people and it's not very far away to walk."

"That's good. Where did you say it was again?"

"The southeast section. Why?"

"That part of the city has had a rise in crime in the past few months, especially in fights breaking out," Lin warned. "Be careful when you're over there."

"You're in no position to tell me to be careful," Kya chimed. "But don't worry, I will be. Thanks for the heads up."

"Yep. What else did Tenzin say?"

Kya shifted her weight around awkwardly and Lin gave her a questioning look.

"Before you say no—"

"Off to a great start."

"Before you say no, just here me out all the way."

"Fine. Go ahead."

"Tenzin invited us to Air Temple Island for a family gathering to celebrate our anniversary."


"Lin!" Kya rolled her eyes. "It's not like we have anything else planned."

Lin shot her a knowing look.

"Ok, yes, but we can do that after we get back."

This time it was Lin's turn to roll her eyes. "Do we have to go?"

"Come on, he's just trying to be nice. He's happy for us, and besides, you love that one Air Nomad dish that he always serves, the mushroom barley soup. I'm sure that'll be there, and anyways, it's not like it's just gonna be you, me and Tenzin. He said family gathering, so you know that the whole family is gonna be there too. He's my brother. Please..." Kya didn't realize how long she had been rambling until she stopped, but she gave Lin puppy dog eyes to try and seal the deal.

"This is gonna be just like the picnic, isn't it?" Lin grumbled. "You're not going to relent until we go, aren't you?"

Kya smiled hopefully.

"Fine. I will suffer through a few hours there. But no more than that. I don't want to stay there all night." She crossed her arms grumpily to get her point across.

"Don't worry. We won't stay too long."

She leaned in and Lin traded her cranky expression for a small smile as Kya kissed her.

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