What's missing?

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Hazel's POV*

My chest ached. It burned. My flesh tearing from piece to piece. I felt like my heart was completely ripped out of my chest. It was unbearable. I felt like a heavy load was on me and I couldn't get it off. I wanted to scream.. I wanted to wake up but I couldn't breathe. So I just layed there through the torture. 10 minutes or so passed and the pain began to die down. I opened my eyes and I was in my room. Everything in one place. Exactly like I left it.. but where did I go. Why did I feel like I was missing something?. Missing something that was vital. Missing something that was apart of me. I climbed out of my bed and walked towards the kitchen and saw my dad. All the color drained from his face when he saw me. "What the hell is wrong with you Hazel?" I didn't know how to reply. I didn't know What he was talking about. " What are you talking about?" He looked at me in disbelief. " Haze, you were gone for a whole month.. to some.. some place! I don't even know about..." he stopped and looked at me as if he was expected some explanation from me. I had none. "Where were you? Why didn't you atleast Tell me!" "I don't know OK!.. Im confused! I don't remember anything dad!" "I bet that boy knows!" "What boy?!" Seriously hazel?!" He began pacing back and forth. " you were always with him?!.. Im taking you to the hospital!" "For What?!" "Amnesia! Did you hit your head or something?" " no and your not taking me to the hospital." "Haze. You need HELP" I paused and thought for a moment. No one can help me. I don't even know what I need help with. That really cut me deep. I wasn't some crazed person. "No! David you need help. Since mom left you Years ago. You didn't even call. You didn't even mail. I didn't exist to you. How can you possibly forget your daughter. And now you care all of the sudden. You live in this hell hole of a house. You constantly relive these memories! You think everything's ok but it's not. Just because your trapped here it doesn't mean I am!" I grabbed my coat and walked out of the house. I jumped in my truck and drove to the nearest entry of the forest I always go to. I walked through it until I found a clearing and saw a lake. I walked up to it and glanced back like I was expecting something. I just didn't know What. I took off my garments to prepare to jump. I didn't know how to swim but it was worth a try. "What are you doing?" I stopped and turned around but no one was there. Figuring that I could be hallucinating. I started again. "Hazel no!" I could hear the voice more clearly. It sounded familiar. It was almost like a melody. It was feminine. "Who are you?" "You really don't remember me do you?" I turned around and saw a shadow. She was biracial. With brunette hair and teal eyes. She looked so saddened. "Hazel please remember... You have to." After that she turned and disappeared into the forest. I ran after her. When I made it into the forest. She was gone. She completely disappeared. Hours later I was in my room. I wrote down What I seen in my diary. I closed my eyes and began to dose off. When I opened my eye lids. I saw a beautiful meadow with the same girl in it. She just stared at me smiling. "Please remember.." she touched my forehead and I found myself awoken. Staring at the ceiling. The Girl I saw.. it was Prim.


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