Day 1

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*Monna POV* 

It was the entrance exam for the new freshmen. Normally I wouldn't care but Dark  Necrofear insented that I should go. So I am seating by myself with my arms crossed and a board look on my face. Just seeing some of theses people I don't understand how they got in to the school. 

So... if they pasted the written exam and the duel exam they will be in blue? But, if they do decent in one of them then they are yellow. Then if you suck at both then you are red? Hmm I guess I pissed off the wrong person. I smirked after that.  

Yes, you pissed off  Professor Crowler by instuting him. Oh yes that was correct.

I still didn't see anyone being awesome until some "Main character" looking guy (Jaden) was dueling Professor Crowler. Thats when I noticed DN floating behind me.

"He can see spirts can't he?" I asked her. She nods. "Yes but their is more to him"  She tells me. 

"More to him you say? Hmmm interesting. I see another fluff ball." I say looking at Winged Kuriboh. Light spirts are always so chatty. I think to myself. I love his dueling style.

"I bet hes going to be in blue." I said in disappointment. DN shakes her head. Either way you guys will duel and learned form each other  if you say so 

I Love that I wasn't the  only upper grades to come, they only came to see the new freshmen. I decided to explore domino city some more. Mainly because I want to visit Kiba COP. I used to hang out with him and study whenever Ryou wasn't home. I did learn from the best. 

As I was walking DN proofed up next to me. 

You walk like him too. So confident then ever. I can hear you, you know? I thought to her in my mind. 

At kiba cop I walked in showed my badge and went up the elevator. While on said elevator I felt like I was being watched by someone. I know weird feeling when I'm surrounded by spirits but it felt different. When I got to Seto's office I knocked. 

"Who is it?" He asked mad. 

"Its me, your favorite Slifer red student!" I yelled. I walked in to see him looking at something gold and puzzle shaped. 

"I just wanted to say hi." I told him, He looks at me and smirks. 

"You should be a blue not a stupid red. I trained you so well." He told me. 

I gave my own smirk. I wave my hand that has my duel disk on it.

We both looked at each other and we made our way down the elevator into his dueling ring.  

-Time Skip-

It was time for everyone to go back to the DA Island. I am very excited to scare some noobys. I started to do this tradition of every time their are new people in the red dorm I scare the living daylights out of them. 

But I had to act cool first though. I was watching two of the new guys. The one that can see spirts and one wearing glasses. I had to lure them into the woods before I make my move.

I smirked when I saw them coming.

"Its okay Sy, nothing bad's going to happen." One said while they walked into the woods. I was up in a tree with my deck in my hand. 

Come on out headless knight and do your thing I commanded my monster. He started to walk though the fog I made with my powers.

"Ahhh!! What was that?" Sy questioned.

"It was probably nothing." They contuned to walk.

Headless knight walks and when he is in front of the two boys he appears for real.   

"AH!!" They both yell when HLK pops up. Thats when I jumped down from my tree and did a black widow stand. 

"Hey, I hope I didn't scare you too much." I did a little bow. 

"Why did you scare us like that?" Sy asked me.

I laugh at that. "Its what I do, My name is Monna Bakura im a slifer just like you two. Im sorry if Headless Knight scared you he is a sweet heart when you meet him."

"Thats so cool! Im Jaden Yuki and this is my friend Syruis. I didn't see you today at the exams?" Jaden asked me. 

"Ah, im a second year here. I did watch you guys though." I told them both. They both nod at me. We all headed back to our dorms for the dinner party that is in honor of the new freshmen.

*3 POV*

What Monna didn't know is that while this was all happening her ring/neckless thing was glowing a golden color and right behind Dark Necrofear was her original owner Yami Bakura. He was glowing bright white. 

"Soon you will be able to see me and achieve my dreams. My sister." Bakura smirked. Slowly he started to fade back into the shadows. 

No-one and no spirt knew he was their.

A/N: Hey everyone!! Thank you for reading. Monna is more like Yami/KTB but she dose share abtbutes to Ryou. Most of her cards in her deck or based off of Bakura's deck he used in Battle city just so you know. I hope you enjoyed reading also sorry for mistakes half of the time I write these early morning or late at night and they aren't proofed read so sorry in advanced. I hoped you all loved reading this story, and let me know what you think.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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