Giganto Fight and The New Tree of Harmony

Start from the beginning

[After the battle Sonic sees a vision one of the ancients]

Ancient: No! We'll find another way!
Voice: The first seal is broken. The next foe awaits on the sand-scarred land.
Super Sonic: Right. You said "Titans" earlier. Plural.
[As Super Sonic and Twilight descends, Amy and Spike approaches them, having heard the news.]
Spike: You did it guys!
Amy: Darn it. I'm still Cyber-ghost.
Sonic: I guess this isn't over until I bop all the big bots. Sorry, Amy.
Amy: I'm feeling more like my old self, it's working! Keep going.
Spike: Alright!
Twilight Sparkle: How about you head to my castle and settle there for now Amy?
Amy: I can do that. I think I can teleport back there at the castle so I'll see you back home!

[As Amy disappears, Sonic Twilight and Spike returned to ponyville and in the distance they noticed a brightness coming out of the ground]

Sonic: What is that?
Twilight Sparkle: I don't know we better check it out.
Spike: It looks like it came from the ground where the Tree of Harmony is
Twilight Sparkle: Ooh the young ones are there I hope they are ok


Earlier at the Cave of Harmony the Young six had different ideas to memorialize the tree

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Earlier at the Cave of Harmony the Young six had different ideas to memorialize the tree. But When the five ideas (except Yona's) came conflict with each other, it makes a giant mess of the cave.

Gallus: Uh-oh.
Silverstream: [gasps] What did you do?!
Ocellus: My meditation garden is ruined! Why couldn't you've been more careful?!
Gallus: This never would have happened if you had all just listened to me!
Sandbar: And made the Tree some kind of roadside attraction?! Uh, no thanks!
Silverstream: [hyperventilating into paper bag] Headmare Twilight is gonna be so mad when she sees what you guys did to the Cave of Harmony!
Smolder: Yeah, like some rainbow art project was better?
Sandbar: Not cool!
Silverstream: It's impressionism!
Ocellus: I'm just glad the Tree isn't here to see this.
Smolder: This is all your fault!
Gallus: I give up!
Yona: [grunts] Quiet! Friends doing this the wrong way. All remembering Tree of Harmony for what Tree was, not what Tree is!
Smolder: You mean 'gone'?
Yona: No! Yona mean even though Tree not here here, Tree here. In hearts. Tree made friendship even closer.
Ocellus: That's right! We ran away to be together right above this spot! The Castle of the Two Sisters!
Sandbar: And later on, the Tree tested us to show us we're stronger as a team!
Smolder: It did call us all here.
Silverstream: [gasps] You mean the Tree of Harmony lives on in our friendship!
Gallus: Wow. I can't believe we just got schooled by a yak.
Yona: Yaks know things not forever. That's why smash and rebuild.
Ocellus: I think we took care of the smashing part.
Gallus: Then maybe we should start building. Together?
Smolder: Just one problem. We still haven't decided what we should do for the Tree.
Yona: Yona have idea.
Ocellus: The Tree! Where did you find it?!
Sandbar: Oh, I didn't move it too far. It was kinda heavy.
Gallus: And you're just mentioning this now?
Yona: What important is that Yona bring back branches so friends can rebuild!
Smolder: Rebuild what, exactly?
Silverstream: Ooh-ooh-ooh, I know! Something that represents what the Tree is! The gateway to our friendship!
Yona: Yes! What ponies call it? Club... home?
Gallus: A treehouse!
Ocellus: [gasps] That's a great idea!
Smolder: I know the Tree would've liked that!
Yona: Uh-huh!
Sandbar: [straining] Help me lift this piece!

Sandbar: Well? What do you think?
Ocellus: It's, uh... kinda messy...
[bat squeaking]
Smolder: Yeah... like a bunch of different parts all smushed together.
Silverstream: Oh, it's just like us!
Yona: Yona think it perfect!
Gallus: Let's give it a try.
Young Six: [giggling]
[starts rumbling]
Sandbar: Whoa! What's happening?!
Ocellus: It looks like magic!
Smolder: Everycreature out!
Young Six: [panicked panting]
[A giant tree grew from the ground]
Young Six: [gasps] Whoa!
Gallus: How did that happen?
Tree of Harmony/Astral Twilight: Because of you. The spirit of the Treehouse would have perished without your selfless deeds and caring. Whenever you seek solace, come here. Your friendship, and the friendship of future generations, will always be safe within these walls.

[Sonic Twilight and Spike arrived at the Treehouse of Harmony] Twilight Sparkle: I felt a burst of magic all the way over at the Falls! Is everycreature okay?Silverstream: A little confused, but definitely okay!Sandbar: Woah! Mr

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[Sonic Twilight and Spike arrived at the Treehouse of Harmony]
Twilight Sparkle: I felt a burst of magic all the way over at the Falls! Is everycreature okay?
Silverstream: A little confused, but definitely okay!
Sandbar: Woah! Mr. Sonic you're all gold!
Amber: And You can fly!
Sonic: Yep founding all the Chaos Emeralds I turn into Super Sonic.
Young Six: Wooaah
Twilight Sparkle: [gasps] Where did this come from?
Smolder: We were kinda gonna ask you the same thing.
Spike: It looks like part of the Tree of Harmony. But how? I thought it was destroyed!
Ocellus: It was. But when we used the broken parts to build something new, this happened.
Twilight Sparkle: The Tree has always been good at surprises. When Star Swirl planted the Tree's seed, he didn't even know what it would grow into.
Sonic: (turns back to normal) Huh so I guess the Tree is still alive.
Twilight Sparkle: Yes like it's changing and adapting to be whatever Equestria needs.
Gallus: A cool place to hang out?
Twilight Sparkle: Something tells me this is more than that. It seems the Elements of Harmony may still be with us in their own way.
Sonic: So we still have the chance to defeat whatever it comes to us especially with these Titans.
Spike: [sighs] That's actually really reassuring.
Silverstream: But why did the Tree need our help to become something new?
Twilight Sparkle: I'm not sure. If I had to guess, I'd say your friendship is more powerful than you know.
Yona: Oh, Yona know. Yona just need to remind friends.
Spike: So, who's gonna give us the tour?
Young Six: [umm-ing and uhh-ing]
Twilight Sparkle: [giggles] Why don't we all go in together?
Sonic: Yeah I need a break after all that searching with the Emeralds at the Falls.
Young Six: [laughing]

As they all headed to the treehouse Sonic grabs his right arm and noticing little Cyber corrupting and it disappeared pretending like it never happened.

Twilight Sparkle: Sonic you're coming?
Sonic: Yeah yeah I'm coming.

End of Uprooted

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