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A/n: just letting you know I only speak English so I'll be using google translate for any other languages.

I got back early in the morning to my home they were extra careful on who they brought in so i toke me a while to get in the country.

But I got safely into the country.

Before I head out to meet up with an old friend I decided to go surprise my parents and sister at home.

After a while I was walking around and heading to my family home, once I got there i saw that is was destroyed there was a soldier standing there so no one can get to the crushed stones and metal.

"коли ця будівля була такою?" I asked them pointing at it.
("When has the building been like this?")

"так було пару місяців, чому?" He told me.
("its been like this for a couple months, why?)

"всі в порядку, хто там був?" I asked him.
("is everyone okay who was in there?")

He looked at me without saying anything to me, he handed me a piece of paper.

I opened it and it had an address on where to go, "Дякую" I said to him.
("Thank you")

I walked off as I knew exactly where I was heading to.

After a long walk to the place there were helpers outside the place and walked up to me, "Mila follow me" she said to me.

"Are they still here?" I asked her worried.

"Yes Mila they are waiting for you" she told me rubbing my arm, she toke my hand as I followed her.

I walked into the freezing cold building with loads of people that have blankets coats on them keeping warm.

I followed the women into a private room, I saw my little sister laying down on the bed they got given and my mother and father sat on both sides holding her hands.

"Mila you made it" my father said as he hugged me.

"Yes I did is she okay?" I said to them while looking at my younger sister laying on the bed.

"She will be okay Mila" my mother told me, the both of them looked at each other.

"Mila there is someone waiting to see you" my father told me, I looked at them both confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked them confused, they toke a deep breath before answering.

"Here go to this address and see for yourself darling" my mother told me.

"What no I can't leave you three again" I said trying not to cry, my father then placed his hands on my cheek and wipe my tears away.

"We will be fine my dear" my mother told me, "now go please" she added on.

"Okay but I'll come back to catch up" I said them all, as I quickly gave them all kisses on the cheek.

I then headed to the address which my father gave to me I don't recognise it at all which is strange but I got on my way.

After a long ish drive there I arrived and a football training ground, I looked at my phone to see if it toke me to the wrong place but it didn't, then I saw someone randomly standing there.

"Umm excuse me" I said to him, "is this the right address" I added on while I showed him the piece of paper with the address on.

"Ahh yes it is follow me" he said to me as he looked at my face.

I looked at him confused as he started to walk inside, "umm okay" i said to him.

"Your Mila Azarov aren't you?" He asked me.

"Yes that's me" I told him as I followed him where there was footballers doing a training session.

"The boys will be done soon, in the meantime you can watch" he said to me.

As soon as I walked into the field I started to smile as I saw him, "yeah okay" I said to him as I lent myself on the fence.

Sorry haven't been active lately!!

Hope your enjoy!
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