Part 1: Home

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???: Ahhhh finally home sweet home

A blue haired wizards walking back into Magnolia. The wizard has a pair of blue eyes that match his hair. His black suit pants with black boots complement his white tee, with a black jacket with blue design on the cuffs and collar hangs over his shoulder. It is our main character....
Hiroshi Cyrus

Hiroshi: Man I'm tired. Can't wait to get home

Hiroshi yawns as he continues his walk. He then stops and sees a building in the distance. A huge building with writing that says...

Hiroshi: Fairy Tail. Man has it been some time . I wonder how everyone has been

Hiroshi continues his walk, sending hellos to the people of the town. Then after a few more minutes, he finally arrives back home

Hiroshi: Home huh?

Hiroshi starts thinking as he has a flashback of his time joining fairy tail


A young Hiroshi, somewhere in his teens arrives at the main doors of fairy tai

Young Hiroshi: Home huh??

He then walks into the guildhall........and is greeted by a flying chair that his him square in the face. His knocked down to the ground

Young Hiroshi: Ahhh.... What the hell is this?

Hiroshi couldn't believe what he was seeing, a full fledged fight was going on inside the guild.

???: How'd you like that one flame brain?!

A small boy with black hair and black eyes, who was wearing nothing but underwear was shouted at what looks like rubble. But then the pieces of furniture start moving as a boy with pink hair and brown eyes and , thankfully, fully clothed.


Black Haired Boy: OH YEAH!?

???:Thats enough you two!

A girl with scarlet red hair and an eyepatch stood between the two boys. She was, for some reason, wearing armour, which confused our water mage. The little girl then grabs both of their heads and slams them together, knocking them out

Scarlet Haired Girl: The master will be returning today and you chose to make a mess like this? CLEAN THIS UP NOW!!

The two boy: AYE SIR!!

In a split second, the two boy's seemingly summoned a broom and mop and started cleaning around the whole guild.

Young Hiroshi: What is this place Oceania? Im outta here. This place reeks

Hiroshi turns around and stop's almost instantly as he nearly bumped into three little kids. Two little girl and one little boy, with all three of them having white hair and brown eyes. The little dude was dressed formally, one of the little girls had a pink dress on and the other one dressed like she was 21 years old with her hair in a ponytail. Hiroshi did a little bow to show he was sorry

Young Hiroshi: Sorry little ones, didn't see....

Pony Tail: Move out the way loser!

Young Hiroshi: Yes my apolo....... Wait....... WHAT YOU CALL ME YOU LITTLE TWERP!?

Pony Tail: Maybe I'll say it a little louder for you cause it seems like your deaf. MOVE. OUT. OF. THE. WAY. LOSER!!

Little dude: Mira don't be so mean


Pony tail or now Mira looks back at him annoyed


Swimming With The Fairies (Fairy Tail x Male OC )Where stories live. Discover now