Chapter Two: Gale??

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All you remember is what you felt like before you passed out, everything hurt you remember you were wet, it was cold but the sun was on your face the sky blue.

You heard movement around you it felt like you were on something kinda soft but not comfortable it sounded like wooden wheels moving.

Then you were abruptly awoken by a donkey neighing.

You groan as you open your y/e/c eyes being blind by the sun. You let out a hish and raised your hand, shielding you from the bright light in the sky.

"Ah, look like someone's awake, umm?" You heard a man say you try to sit up but struggle as the thing you're on is still moving.

"Hey, stop, will ya? I'm trying to get up. I'm already weak," you said with an annoyed tone in your voice, now sitting up slightly.

The man let out a laugh "whoa Gus" he pulled the rope, making the donkey stop.

You finally look up at the man, starting with his feet. Man likes his purple, then you got to his face and let out a gasp.

"Hey sis, you have been a sleep a while now good to see you awake. Alive, " he said with one of his stupid smiles on.

You gleared at him, his smile fell. "Now why don't you look happy to see me?" he said now rage went through your body like a wild fire.

You jump off the cart onto your brother, both of you falling to the ground. "Where the hell were you when mother died!!!" You screamed at him, you hands around his neck shaking him.

"Y/..n go.o can.t breathhh" he struggled to get out because of your tight grasp.

"Why did you have to leave? Everything fell on me to look after that damn farm!!!" You held tightly on his neck, but he chanted a word while moving his hand to the side.

You felt your hands lousen and got thrown off the brown haired man.

"Uh hh," he in hard his hand by his throat.

You went to get up again to attack the man on the floor. He held out his hand, "You being held by a blue mist holding you still.

"You basted, let me go, you and your damn magic!!" You screamed once more.

He got off the floor, still slightly gasping "y/n listen, it's a good thing she's gone she was horrible, abusive,"

You felt like you were going to explode she wasn't like that she was loving.

Gale stopped and looked at you. There was something he wasn't telling you.

You decided just to shut up and calm down your body hot, and it acted.

Gale realised you were now calm.

"I'm going to let you go now, okay?" Gale said with his hands out in front of you.

You nodded, staying quiet. Gale let you fall lightly to the ground him taking a sept back to give you space.

His Red Eyes: An Astarion x Reader Story.Where stories live. Discover now